Mark Kille

Librarian, even when I'm not. You know how it goes.
Things that have confused me since being in Portland: A car back window painted to say, "Hippie chicks--we shave our pits!" Being asked if I had a *paper* copy of my resume with me. Directional signs for highways that say it's the next right turn, although it's actually the third right turn--and then another right a little after that.
Portland's way easier to get around once you can ignore the signs (was for me, anyway). But more importantly: Have you been to Powells yet?!?!?!?!?! - Kirsten loves you
I went in June when I was visiting--I haven't had time to since I actually moved! Plus, I think the next time I go, I want to do it without having to keep an eye on four kids at the same time... - Mark Kille
An epic tale of Nathan Fillion. And twine. --
“You know those white women in the audience? How many of them really think about their own Latino help and see the similarities in what they’ve done to Latino women here in El Paso?” --
My work inbox is down to 5 messages. Surreal.
"They are ordinary men in extraordinary costumes...Urban Avenger, Mr. Xtreme, Pitch Black, Knight Owl, Ghost, and the baddest-ass 'real-life superhero' of them all, Phoenix Jones." --
Shorter ACS: "If we call it a scholarship contest, maybe you'll do our market research for us for free!" --
*snort* forwarded this to my science librarian. It's kind of ridiculous but he could probably use the extra professional development $$ - Hedgehog
Of course we don't have to tell the TRUTH. We just have to write a good paper. - DJF
"We're cutting all our ACS subscriptions because they're too damn expensive" Now can I get my conference scholarship? - steven bell
"QR Codes and Visitor Motivation: Tell Them What They'll Get with that Shiny Gadget" --
"Some religious beliefs and practices -- including belief in God and regular prayer -- increase with years of education, the research found." --
The Library Loon: "Education vs. training" --
I do have a one contrary reaction to this general line of argument, though: the library profession has so diligently hammered on the idea that "being a librarian" is such an intricate special thing that only people who have graduated from an ALA-accredited master's program have any chance of doing it with any competence, that I think "but you can teach yourself what you need to know how to do" is doomed as a professional concept. - Mark Kille
"Complete inability to touch anything vaguely novel without explicit training is one sign of a poor professional, however." I almost came out of my chair cheering when I read this. - WebGoddess
It's not often that I'm prompted to say with a straight face, "This may be the dumbest thing I've ever read." And yet, it might be. "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Copy" --
You might just be right. (Or rather, that might be one of the dumbest things I've ever read too.) - Marianne
Um. Wow. I'm gonna agree with you on this one Mark. I'm not sure it's the dumbest thing I've ever read (I'm addicted to, ya know), but it's pretty close. - WebGoddess
Damn, but those Canadians can be pretty fucking stupid sometimes. - DJF
"I'm intrigued, but not yet convinced that open source is a trend"... http://contemplativelibrarian....
"Creativity or Responsibility — What Happens When an Organization Chooses Poorly?" --
"Because what hasn’t changed is how we might, rather than restricting the number of students we admit to Ph.D. programs, admit and train young scholars to become historians whose primary work will be on-line." --
Reported by a church friend on Facebook: "Back after a nice long break with the band & the sermon starts off with 'Honey badger just don't care!' coupled with Adele's 'Rolling in the Deep' makes for a pretty awesome service! — at Metropolitan Community Church of the Rockies." Wish I had been there!
Favorite books that take place on or near a beach?
Mutiny on the Bounty. Master & Commander (and others in Aubry/Maturin series). (Well, I guess all my nautical fiction sorta counts) - Megan loves summer
There's The Girl Who Played With Fire, or as I like to call it, Coffee and Sandwiches. - Elizabeth Brown
"Goodbye, Oxford comma? Hello, Shatner comma!" --
Copyright cry for help! A faculty member needs an illustration of a normal curve, any normal curve, for an article she is submitting to a journal. If the journal makes you pay for access, would that violate the non-commercial clause of a Creative Commons license?
um. ok. stupid question. why doesn't said faculty member break out R or SPSS or STATA and just graph it? then they would own the copyright - Christina Pikas
thanks everyone! - Mark Kille
Libraries Putting Assistive Technologies in the Cloud --
Thanks for posting this! - Katy S
"Zero-Packaging Grocery Store to Open in Austin, Texas" --
"Turns out that McKellar and Day are both crazy nerdy. The only way to settle this was to have a rigorous nerd-off, where one compares each contender on a range of nerdly qualities." -- nerd-off: danica mckellar vs. felicia day,
New blog post: "Open source is not a trend (Library technology thoughts, pt. 8 of 8)" -- http://contemplativelibrarian....
So I have a list of periodicals that we subscribe to, but are not indexed in any of our online databases (and we don't have any print indices). Is there a resource that will tell you that Journal X is indexed in places A, B and C?
Ulrichs - maʀtha
Martha, it doesn't, that was just my semi-related commentary on Ulrichs. - Rachel Walden
New blog post: "The *really* integrated library system (Library technology thoughts, pt. 7 of 8)" -- http://contemplativelibrarian....
Going by the University of Wyoming this evening: cool. Overnight detour into Laramie because of two flat tires on I-80: not cool.
Now we can't get out of Laramie--Walmart is the only open tire place and they don't have any in our size; rental car places are closed; Greyhound doesn't leave until 3:30 PM and doesn't stop in the town where we live. Sigh. - Mark Kille
Sorry I didn't see this--I was offline all day while the storm raged. Glad you made it out okay. I-80 is the pits. - kaijsa
Hey, I've been in Portland since last Friday (hi Joan!) and off FF since last Tuesday. Did I miss anything important?
The cloud: "in the end, they're all getting it here" ...
New blog post: "Library tech: too important to leave to the librarians? (Library technology thoughts, pt. 6 of 8)" -- http://contemplativelibrarian....
New blog post: "No smiles, no dollars (Library technology thoughts, pt. 5 of 8)" -- http://contemplativelibrarian....
Fwd: Examining assumptions in a zero-sum job environment - (via
New blog post: "Visual search (Library technology thoughts, pt. 4 of 8)" -- http://contemplativelibrarian....
I will be in Portland, OR from June 10-16. Anyone in that area who would like to get together?