So I have a list of periodicals that we subscribe to, but are not indexed in any of our online databases (and we don't have any print indices). Is there a resource that will tell you that Journal X is indexed in places A, B and C?
Back to just Joe,
Pete's Got To Go,
Aaron the Librarian,
Laura Norvig,
John: Thread Killer,
liked this
- maʀtha
- Mark Kille
and CUFTS:
- Jen
Cufts is far more reliable than Ulrichs, I've found.
- RudĩϐЯaЯïan
I'd never heard of CUFTS, how cool! Always like to find a new resource. :)
- John: Thread Killer
Hadnt known about Cufts either. It looks useful but seems to be incomplete compared to Ulrichs but I may be missing something. For example it doesnt list ISI databases???
- suelibrarian
Same here on CUFTS. I have found Ulrichs to be completely wrong about some titles in terms of whether they're peer-reviewed.
- Rachel Walden
But CUFTS doesn't include whether a journal is peer-reviewed, does it?
- maʀtha
(Yay for more information!)
- Mark Kille
Martha, it doesn't, that was just my semi-related commentary on Ulrichs.
- Rachel Walden