Favorite books that take place on or near a beach?
Mutiny on the Bounty. Master & Commander (and others in Aubry/Maturin series). (Well, I guess all my nautical fiction sorta counts)
- Megan loves summer
The Beach.
- ωαřмaiden ❤Bassetmom❤
Swiss Family Robinson.
- Rochelle
Summer Sisters.
- Rochelle
All the Pern books by Anne McCaffery
- Aaron the Librarian
The Terror by Arthur Machen (part of it does, anyway)
- Katy S
Greenwitch by Susan Cooper
- Katy S
Nation by Terry Pratchett
- Katy S
Narnia series, as every book involves the interface between land and sea
- Aaron the Librarian
Moonfleet by J. Meade Falkner
- comix aka martha
On The Beach
- m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Island of the Blue Dolphins
- Jenny Reiswig
Swallows and Amazons (which I haven't read in decades)
- barbara fister
Call It Courage
- Catherine Pellegrino
There's The Girl Who Played With Fire, or as I like to call it, Coffee and Sandwiches.
- Elizabeth Brown