m9m, Crone of FriendFeed

Old Bat; mom of "Nine", RETIRED underpaid state employee in Baltimore MD.
RT @MJMcKean: There are varying degrees of physical grace, but when stepping over a baby/puppy gate, we are all Jerry Lewis.
RT @prattlibrary: So.. sometimes the pile of books by your bed makes it look like this: https://twitter.com/prattli...
RT @bibliotech: Pro-life nurse sues Family Planning Center for not hiring her to not do a job | Death and Taxes http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/224995...
I still want to punch this lady in the face and step on her neck. Imagine if we all sue for not getting jobs we can't or won't do? So much dumb. - Anika
Yes and by all means lets tie up the courts and the health care providers while we sue. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Since it's Florida, I can only assume a judge is totally going to hear this case and might even punt it up to a higher authority. - Victor Ganata
RT @uriel1998: @dataangel http://astrangeday.net/ exceeded bandwidth, so I put up the plagarism stuff on ideatrash & added more info http://ideatrash.net/2014...
Made my own batch of Magic Shell using dark chocolate and will probably be out of ice cream by Tuesday.
RT @BaltimoreMD: ... whoa. MT @kalanigordon: Someone flew a drone over the #Baltimore 4th of July fireworks https://www.youtube.com/watch...
A big Thank You to @DataAngel for the sooprise clipboard with Bonus Penclip! Groceries just got easier.
I keep a 6'X9" clipboard on a hook in the kitchen and add to my shopping list as needed, then prop the list in my shopping cart. Except I keep losing the pen. Then I lost the whole clipboard in the store. Today I got an Amazon Gift! The self-stick pen grip is great! - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
RT @BACOemergency: NWS: Severe t-storm warning for our area til 530. This is a "dangerous storm." http://alerts.weather.gov/cap... ^EA
Tonight's #Endeavour was very sad. Glad I'm not a Weeper.
RT @neilhimself: And if you would like to sit in a Neverwhere bench, you have to vote: http://www.theguardian.com/books... (and please RT)
RT @GraceyWeather: Clear skies over Baltimore right now and the moon is rising...go check it out! #supermoon
RT @DataAngel: Have to keep reminding @m9mjain not to yell "woo" during the concert. #baroque
Hey, it was Corelli and Bach. Come.On. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
RT @DataAngel: A cat standing in the middle of the room looks suspicious. A dog standing in the middle of a room looks ridiculous.
RT @Shakespeare: Actually, for a while back there we were ALL expecting the Spanish Inquisition.
RT @neilhimself: Best surprise of the day running into @AnthonySHead, one of my favourite actors, so amazing in @BBCRadio4 Neverwhere. https://twitter.com/neilhim...
RT @BaltimoreMD: beautiful! MT @WitWisdomTavern: Crazy storm blew through here tonight but left us with a tres #soigné sunset... http://instagram.com/p...
Meet my new great-nieces: Zola,4 and Harper,3.
Today is their "Family" day. The adoption papers were signed in Taiwan. Their parents will take them home to California this week. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
How exciting for all! - Anne Bouey
Son-in-law got a picture. Double rainbow. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
RT @MdWeather: Baltimore, Harford, northern Anne Arundel and Baltimore City added to T-storm warning, through 8:15pm. 70 mph winds possible -- seek shelter
A wonderful gift:
My late mother embroidered the birds. She died 7 years ago, age 90. Today my niece adopted 2 little girls. My Aunt Lucy made these pillows so the girls would have a gift from their Great-Grandma. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
I'm enjoying the Google Doodle for BRAGER. Dueling VWs.
That's cute. - bentley
RT @illusions_optcl: A wolf made out of pipe cleaners. https://twitter.com/illusio...
RT @SoVeryBritish: It's a bit too warm
RT @FOXBaltimore: Code Red Heat Alert Issued for area until 7pm. Temps to feel like 105! Stay Hydrated! http://foxbaltimore.com/news...
RT @Shakespeare: All of those ghost scenes that I wrote before actually dying: sooooo embarrassing now.
The 8 best lines from Ginsburg's dissent on the Hobby Lobby contraception decision http://www.motherjones.com/politic... via @MotherJones
RT @owillis: Clinton/Obama justices voted for women's rights, the others didn't. But keep telling me the two parties are the same.
RT @HESherman: "Harry Shearer: 'I told them I don't dance – now I prove it nightly; SIMPSONS vet on his W End debut .” @ObsNewReview http://www.theguardian.com/theobse...
RT @realphilhendrie: Rest in peace Mr. Eli Wallach. Bad ass