m9m, Crone of FriendFeed

Old Bat; mom of "Nine", RETIRED underpaid state employee in Baltimore MD.
RT @FOXBaltimore: TSA to Train Officers on Recognizing DC Licenses: http://www.foxbaltimore.com/news... #liveonFOX45
This should be satire, but sadly, it is not. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
RT @mightygodking: Excuse me, but I was promised a corporate cyberpunk dystopia and not this rerun-of-1960s-Bull-Connor-America dystopia
RT @stevenjhsieh: Hedy Epstein, a 90 y.o. Holocaust survivor, was among the those arrested for blocking Nixon office bldg. #Ferguson https://twitter.com/stevenj...
RT @timstwrt: Just think: this is how the St. Louis County cops conduct themselves when they know that the world is watching. #Ferguson
RT @BlanksSlate: Acclaimed journalist, author, and creator of The Wire David Simon addresses #Ferguson PD Chief. Absolutely damning. http://davidsimon.com/the-end...
RT @txvoodoo: To all saying "did you ever think you'd see this in an American city" - I guess you were all born after 1980, 1990, right?
RT @BaltimoreFire: Units on the scene of another rescue. Three persons trapped on top of one vehicle at North Point Road and Kane Street.
RT @weganmalsh: Flooding at S Caroline and Aliceanna in Harbor East @BaltimoreMD @baltimoresun https://twitter.com/weganma...
RT @MdWeather: At BWI, 2.7 inches of rain fell in just one hour, from 1pm to 2pm. Day's total already nearly 5 inches, topping day's record of 4.91 inches.
Cancelled my PT session today. Retirement means I don't have to drive in a thunderstorm!
RT @HighlandtownArt: The Worldโ€™s Most Obvious Bus Stop Is Pure Design Genius http://www.slate.com/blogs...
This in my neighborhood. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
RT @MdWeather: The moon is at its most 'full' at 2:09pm, and it will rise here in #Baltimore just before 8pm http://www.baltimoresun.com/news... #Supermoon
RT @_amckean: Happy Birthday to my darling John Glover. Wow, am I happy he was bornded.
John is 70 today! So weird to see your college friend's name tweeted by Annette O'Toole and Michael McKean. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
RT @samgadjones: Ukrainian lawmakers: a renaissance masterpiece (Cloth is pure Veronese, but for subject matter id go with Caravaggio) https://twitter.com/samgadj...
RT @WritersRelief: ReTweet if you've ever opened a book and stuck your nose in it because you LOVE that smell.
RT @GraceyWeather: Sunday's forecast- Mostly cloudy, 82 with scattered showers. A gloomy day...but no threat of sharknadoes.
RT @gerrieevans: Plagiariser at large: read what happened to me in July. Carroll Bryant: Plagiarism: The Geraldine Evans Story http://carrollbryant.blogspot.com/2014...
RT @MdWeather: July was Baltimore's coolest since 2009, 17th-coolest on record http://www.baltimoresun.com/news... BWI hit the 50s more often than the 90s
And I would like to thank Mama Nature for that. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
RT @jtotheizzoe: lol what a nerd WAIT A SEC RT @dogboner Some guy using his laptop on the train like a Dumbass nerd lol https://twitter.com/dogbone...
RT @SoVeryBritish: Being desperate to say "looks like we've had our summer then" for the past two months
RT @GovernorOMalley: A sincere thank you to the MD families who've taken in migrant children fleeing violence. More kids here (per capita) than any other state.
RT @TonyPannWBAL: IT'S LIKE A BROKEN RECORD we could set another record low in Baltimore Tonight! 59 for 7/29 in 1978. That would make 4 this month...wow!
RT @DataAngel: 17 photos from today's trip to the dog beach. https://t.co/fH64u2HArE
RT @TerpWeather: Fun fact: Maryland has no natural lakes. All lakes are man made http://www.mgs.md.gov/geology...
RT @MdWeather: Today's perfect weather won't last through the weekend, but it'll be back http://www.baltimoresun.com/news... Another 'summer polar vortex' next week
It looks like next week's will have more of an effect on the east coast than the last one did. - John (bird whisperer)
I'll take any fraction of "polar" that gets gets sent our way. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
RT @MdWeather: Yesterday was this year's 10th 90+ degree day at BWI. At this point in the past five years, the tally was 15, 32, 27, 38, respectively.
RT @BaltSunPhoto: Lightning strikes around the dome of Hopkins during Wednesday night's storm. (Karl Merton Ferron/@baltimoresun photo) https://twitter.com/BaltSun...
RT @MJMcKean: There are varying degrees of physical grace, but when stepping over a baby/puppy gate, we are all Jerry Lewis.
RT @prattlibrary: So.. sometimes the pile of books by your bed makes it look like this: https://twitter.com/prattli...