
Aka Hannah (Litello) Student of Psychology
The 10 Rules of Change | Psychology Today -
"Self-change is tough, but it's not impossible, nor does it have to be traumatic...To increase the overall probability of success, divide a behavior into parts and learn each part successively." - Lit
"Change Requires Structure Many people view structure as restrictive, something that inhibits spontaneity. While spontaneity is wonderful for some activities, it's a surefire method for sabotaging change. Strategy: Identify what works Classify all activities and materials you're using as either helpful, neutral or unhelpful in achieving your goal. Eliminate unhelpful ones, make neutrals into positives and keep or increase the positives. After evaluating his morning routine, he replaced time-consuming breakfasts with quick protein drinks. Strategy: Revisit your plan regularly Review every day how and why you're changing and the consequences of success and failure. Research by Daniel Willingham, Ph.D., a psychology professor at the University of Virginia, showed that repetition increases the probability of success. Each night he reviewed his plan, smiled and said, "Hawaii, here I come." Strategy: Logically sequence events According to behavior expert Richard Foxx, Ph.D., a psychology professor at Penn State University at Harrisburg, it's important to sequence the aspects associated with learning a new behavior in order of level of difficulty or timing. He completed all bathroom activities, then ate breakfast. Practice Is Necessary Practice is another key approach to change, suggests one study on changing conscious experience published recently in the British Journal of Psychology. I've found that the majority of failures occur because this principle is ignored. Practice makes new behaviors automatic and a natural part of who we are. Strategy: Use helpers Not all behaviors can be learned on your own. Sometimes it's useful to enlist the help of a trusted friend. When even the telephone answering service failed to wake him up, he asked his secretary to call. Strategy: Practice in many settings If you want to use a new behavior in different environments, practice it in those or similar settings. Dubbing this "generalization," psychologists T.F. Stokes and D.M. Baer found it critical in maintaining new behaviors. During the first week he would try to be punctual for work. The following week, he would try to be on time for his regularly scheduled tennis game. New Behaviors Must Be Protected Even when flawlessly performed, new behaviors are fragile and disappear if unprotected. Strategy: Control your environment Environmental issues such as noise and level of alertness may interfere with learning new behaviors. After identifying what helps and what hinders, increase the helpers and eliminate the rest. Having a nightcap before bed made it difficult to wake up in the morning, so he avoided alcohol after 7 p.m. Strategy: Use memory aides Because a new behavior is neither familiar nor automatic, it's easy to forget. Anything that helps memory is beneficial. He kept a list in each room of his apartment describing the sequence of things to be done and the maximum allowable time to complete them. Small Successes Are Big Unfortunately, plans for big successes often result in big failures. Focus instead on a series of small successes. Each little success builds your reservoir of self-esteem; one big failure devastates it. Strategy: Map your success Approach each step as a separate mission and you'll eventually arrive at the end goal. For each morning activity he completed within his self-allotted time limit, he rewarded himself by putting money into his Hawaii-getaway fund. The process of changing from what you are to what you would like to become can be either arduous and frustrating or easy and rewarding. The effort required for both paths is the same. Choose the first and you'll probably recycle yourself endlessly. Apply my 10 principles, and change, once only a slight possibility, becomes an absolute certainty. The choice is yours." - Lit
Cassadee Blake Pope, American singer-songwriter and musician, was the lead vocalist of the pop band Hey Monday.
Excellent singer... (Her performance live is phenomenal) ... #Lits_music - Lit
I'm a big fan of Nicholas on The Voice, but Cassadee is much better. - Greg GuitarBuster
Beğenmedim kardeşim. - Quack
I thought Nicholas was incredible as well. Very soulful, unique as soothing! - Lit
Energy Drinks | Caffeine Levels - Consumer Reports -
"Consumer and scientific groups have for years urged the Food and Drug Administration to make companies disclose caffeine levels, but the agency says it lacks the authority. Bottom line. Caffeine can make you feel more alert, boost your mental and physical performance, and even elevate your mood. But it can also make you jittery, keep you from sleeping, cause rapid pulse or abnormal heart rhythms, and raise blood pressure. Safe limits of caffeine consumption are still being studied, but data suggest that most healthy adults can safely consume up to 400 milligrams per day; pregnant women, up to 200 milligrams; and children, up to 45 to 85 milligrams depending on weight. An occasional energy drink is probably fine for most adults. Check the Ratings for caffeine levels and price. And note that some products cost less than half as much as others per serving." - Lit
I still vaguely remember the case with the HGV driver who drank ~15 red-bulls and then caused him to trip and he caused a high speed police chase down the motor way as he was too high, all he was trying to do was keep awake. Having said that, I'm not even sure if this is a true story or an urban myth now? - Halil
We're talking turkey to Trader Joe's! - Not in My Food -
"Trader Joe’s is selling only no-antibiotic turkeys for Thanksgiving. That’s a great step, but to have a real impact on the overuse of antibiotics in our food animals, we need grocers to stop selling antibiotic-raised poultry, beef and pork 365 days a year, not just the holidays. Take a moment to send a quick message to Trader Joe’s to stop selling antibiotic raised meat year-round. You can create a healthier future for your family by speaking out now – grocery stores really do listen to what their customers want!" - Lit
The no-antibiotic Turkeys have probably had a healthier diet before they became meals, as well. - Eivind
Can Exercise Make You Smarter? | World of Psychology -
"A number of research studies have identified a link between improved cognitive functioning and exercise in elderly people.  A 2004 study, for example, found that exercise did, in fact, improve the cognitive functioning of elderly people with cognitive impairments or dementia.  In an analysis of more than 30 years of data and 2,020 subjects, this study found that groups who exercised fared better in terms of mental acuity than those who did not exercise." - Lit
“Even ten minutes can change your brain,” says Harvard Medical School psychiatrist John Ratey, author of the book Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. According to Ratey, exercise increases the level of brain chemicals called growth factors. It is these growth factors that help make new brain cells and establish new connections between brain cells to help us learn. - Lit
Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence will not diet for role | Reuters -
"Lawrence, 22, who plays the famished Katniss Everdeen in the life-or-death thriller series, told Elle magazine in an interview to be published on November 13 that dropping a few pounds will not be part of her script." - Lit
""I'm never going to starve myself for a part," Lawrence said, a view out of step with many in diet-obsessed Hollywood. Lawrence's figure in "The Hunger Games" raised eyebrows of some critics, who believed the actress looked a little too healthy for a character struggling to eat. "I don't want little girls to be like, ‘Oh, I want to look like Katniss, so I'm going to skip dinner," Lawrence said. "That's something I was really conscious of during training...I was trying to get my body to look fit and strong - not thin and underfed." Suffering for a role by rapidly losing or gaining weight is part of Hollywood lore. Natalie Portman was applauded for dropping some 20 pounds for her Oscar-winning role as a ballerina in 2010's "Black Swan". Likewise Robert De Niro nabbed an Oscar after packing on 60 extra pounds in 1980 boxing film "Raging Bull". Lawrence's figure did not hurt the first installment of the "The Hunger Games" series, which was released in March and has grossed some $670 million worldwide. The actress has signed on for three sequels." - Lit
"Blackmill started of producing music at the age of 8 when he received his first musical instrument for his birthday - an Acoustic Guitar...As Dubstep grew throughout 2010 Blackmill took a shine to this new genre. Blackmill was quickly producing his own version of Dubstep, Melodic Dubstep." ... #Lits_music
Looper - Rotten Tomatoes -
"In the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be invented - but it will be illegal and only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past, where a "looper" - a hired gun, like Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) - is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good... until the day the mob decides to "close the loop," sending back Joe's future self (Bruce Willis) for assassination" - Lit
I enjoyed the film. I didn't expect it to play out as it did. - Lit
Have you ever seen Thrill Seekers/The Time Shifters with Casper Van Dien? I liked it, it's enjoyable and passes the hour. - Halil
Avoiding Emotional Traps is Easier than You Think | Psychology Today -
"Psychologists speak of “heuristics,” which are shortcuts in thinking that we use to get quickly to a solution. Imagine that you’re trying to solve an anagram. It’s pretty easy to use trial and error when you’re dealing with only a few letters (e.g. “YOU”), but as soon as you’ve got 7, 8, or 9 letters to unscramble, trial and error could take you a very long time (e.g. “VERAUNTDE”).   You’ll need a heuristic such as “RE” often go together as do “A” and “D.”  Using such rules of English words, you’ll more easily and quickly arrive at the solution (“ADVENTURE”)." - Lit
"Heuristics can save time, then, but they might lead you to make errors....These are logical errors that we make because we misjudge probabilities based on what we can remember (availability) or what we think should occur (representativeness). However, there is another heuristic that can get us in even more trouble, and that is known as the affect heuristic. The “affect” in this term refers to feelings. According to the affect heuristic (Slovic et al., 2002), we make mistakes in judgments because our feelings get in the way of our rational thoughts." - Lit
"When your affect heuristic goes into action, you throw your common sense logic to the winds. The basis for the affect heuristic can be traced to classical conditioning, in which you learn to associate a good feeling with some initially neutral stimulus. Advertisers use the affect heuristic all the time to get you to buy their products. The less the product has an obvious value to you, in fact, the more that advertisers manipulate your behavior through the affect heuristic. After all, why would the name of one brand of insurance appeal to you more than another? The names “Geico” and “Allstate” mean nothing in and of themselves. However, we’ve all learned to love the little Geico gecko through his many on-screen shenanigans, and so we now associate positive feelings with this insurance, if not its very funny TV ads. The phrase “15 minutes can save your life” that serves as the narrative for many of these ads is supposed to cinch the deal. Who wouldn’t spend 15 minutes to save your life? Humor is one way that advertisers manipulate you, then, but another is a feeling of comfort and relief from worry. Allstate takes that other kind of feel-good approach. You’re in “good hands,” their ads proclaim. It might take you more than 15 mintues, but at least you’ll be taken care of, no matter what. To cinch their deal, Allstate hired the “President” of the U.S., actor Dennis Haysbert who portrayed the strong and steady David Palmer in the series “24.”. Surely, the president will stand by you, no matter what." - Lit
"...Apart from the entertainment value that the affect heuristic can produce, it can also cause us to loosen our inhibitions. As the insurance example above showed, we buy things that make us feel good. Even without directly manipulating us through advertising, however, marketers also get us to make choices by the way they show or describe their products. Slovic and his co-authors point out that this third use of the affect heuristic occurs so much that we are rarely even aware of its presence. Specifically, consider the look on a model’s face who is showing off a particular piece of clothing. Those models you see in catalogs or product websites never communicate anything other than a blissful smile. Take the smile test yourself. Go to your favorite online clothing or accessory website and look at the faces of the people wearing or using the products. Something is clearly making them laugh or at least feel excited and happy. If you buy that product you too, so your brain tells you, will share those wondrous emotions. And guess what kind of smiles the models on the Victoria’s Secret website depict? Yes, they certainly seem to have a secret which you too can ahre when you buy their scanty panties. The affect heuristic also colors your more mundane, everyday consumer decisions. Slovic and his associates point out that the food packaging you see on the grocery store shelves is covered with affect-manipulating information. Even setting aside the photographs, it’s the words they use to describe their products that can manipulate you in very subtle ways. Just by slapping the word “improved” on a package, marketers draw your attention to it almost instantaneously. It’s a completely illogical ploy. Would a product be anything but improved? Would you ever buy something that said “downgraded”? Oddly enough, “improved” may actually mean there’s less of the product than you could get in the old package. Other terms such as “fat free,” “natural,” or “organic” also appeal straight to your feelings. The manufacturer doesn’t even have to do anything to the actual product in some cases (e.g. carrots are fat free by definition). Yet, you’ll spend more on these supposedly healthy products which, in some cases, are no better for you than the cheaper alternatives." - Lit
Russell Crowe: Can You Have Career And Family? | Psychology Today -
"Often, you have to ask yourself the question: which comes first my home life or my work? Sometimes there’s no easy answer. There is a time in many people’s lives when they wonder if they’ve compromised one for the other. Everyone who has a passion for what they do has felt pulled to balance job and family." - Lit
"This dilemma can strike at different stages of people’s lives: being too busy to find love, being taken away from a boyfriend or new spouse by work demands, and having to choose between your children and your job. At some point, if you have a profession, you will most likely be forced to make a decision. So the question becomes: How much is too much? And how much of a toll does it take? Having a career certainly shouldn’t preclude having a fulfilling romantic and home life, but sometimes people become so consumed with their work that it depletes the energy that they might otherwise be able to direct toward personal commitments. For example, Abigail, one of my patients, completely threw herself into her work. Because she could make time only for the occasional date, it was so inconsistent that it became impossible to develop a real relationship. She feels there is no other option for her but to take on more creative responsibility if she wants to build her career and continue to move up the ladder. The risk, however, is that if she doesn’t make some room now for her romantic life she may lose the opportunity to have one." - Lit
"What if you’re the person left at home repeatedly, as my patient Ellen and her baby recently were while her husband worked on a big project? Or what if your boyfriend has to move to another city in order to tackle his new promotion? In fact, when my patient Claire’s boyfriend moved, he was working toward financial stability so he could feel secure and ready to propose to her. However, she took it personally and thought he wasn’t committed to the relationship because he moved away. It is easy to start feeling that your partner is choosing the office over you, while typically they don’t see it as a choice but as their professional responsibility. If this is going on with the person you are seeing or married to, try to step back and consider what’s motivating them to invest so much energy in their work at this time. Also, it might be helpful to have a conversation with them to see if they can put some checks and balances in place at work in order to make some personal time. If you’re the one who’s been overwhelmed with work and not making it home until after 9:00 p.m. or missing a Friday night with your family, give your loved one fair warning. That way, they can make other plans and not feel ignored or abandoned." - Lit
" Keep in mind that it is important to take the time now to prioritize your career and work life demands in order to balance them. If you are willing to give something up in the short run, it can help guarantee that you will be able to manage both and go the distance in the long run. You want to preserve the emotional intimacy you share with your partner because that can ultimately help sustain you as you make your way in the world. By doing this, you can maintain your career and your love life, rather than ending the relationship as Russell and Danielle have done." - Lit
"Phutureprimitive sound is not solidly rooted in any single genre nor easily defined, but draws influences from many sub-genres including Bass Music, Downtempo, Glitch Hop, Dubstep, Breaks, Trip Hop, and more." .... #Lits_music
Top 5 tips for how to capture astronomic photographs -
1. The basics “The basic equipment needed for astrophotography is a good tripod and a DSLR camera or a camera that enables you to take long exposures (at least 30 seconds).” - Lit
5. When to practice what you’ve learned next “Here's some night sky events that are coming up. - Lit
Violin and dub-step. Who could ask for anything more? :)
Hey Esther :) I'm going to try and be more diligent about visiting and sharing....and dropping in on my friends. #Lits_music - Lit
'Hunger Games' Sells More Advance Tickets Than Any Non-Sequel | Movies News | Rolling Stone -
"The Hunger Games has sold more advance tickets than any other non-sequel movie, Entertainment Weekly reports. According to data from Fandango, the film adaptation of the hit novel has sold out over 2,000 showtimes in advance of its premiere on Friday, and tickets for the movie currently account for 92 percent of the ticketing site's daily sales." - Lit
I was going to see it Friday but I'm not a huge fan of long lines. I think I will see it Saturday morning. - Lit
Let us know what you think. Everyone around here except me seem to have really enjoyed the books (I read the first one and didn't really care for it). - Eivind
Ex-Google Employee Says Google+ Has Ruined The Company - Technology News Story - NBCMontana NBC Montana -
"NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Angry rants about the demise of corporate culture aren't reserved only for ex-Goldman Sachs employees. Microsoft-turned-Google engineer James Whittaker -- now once again a Microsoft employee -- fired off a scathing blast Tuesday on a Microsoft blog about why he left Google. "My last three months working for Google was a whirlwind of desperation," wrote Whittaker, who headed the engineering team for social network Google+. 'The Google I was passionate about was a technology company that empowered its employees to innovate. The Google I left was an advertising company with a single corporate-mandated focus.' " - Lit
I posted this tweet earlier today: Google+ needs to be ripped out of the innards of Google entirely -- a huge mistake. And another: Google has lost sight of its core mission: to organize all the knowledge in the world. It's floundering and foundering. - Sean McBride
The truth about why beautiful people are more successful | Psychology Today -
"The research reviewed by Hamermesh shows that attractive people, both men and women, earn an average of 3 or 4% more than people with below average looks, which adds up to a significant amount of money over a lifetime. Beautiful people are also hired sooner, get promotions more quickly, are higher-ranking in their companies (a study found the CEOs of larger and more successful companies are rated as being more physically attractive than the CEOs of smaller companies), and get all kinds of extra benefits and perks on the job including, perhaps, more free tickets to fly in F/B class. It turns out that more attractive people often bring more money to their companies and therefore are more valuable employees. For example, a good-looking insurance salesperson will sell more insurance than one with below average looks. But that's not the whole story. Even in situations in which more and less attractive employees don't differ in their earning potential, employers are biased in favor of the better-looking people. For example, a study showed that above average looking people who apply for loans are more likely to obtain loans and to pay lower interest rates than below-average looking borrowers. This occurs despite the fact that the two groups of borrowers don't differ in their demographic characteristics (age or gender) or credit history. In fact, it turned out that the attractive borrowers were more likely to be delinquent on their loans than the less attractive people. Hamermesh's conclusion is that lenders are willing to exchange more generous terms on loans "for the pleasure of dealing with good-looking borrowers." They do this, according to him, simply because they are prejudiced against bad-looking borrowers. Similarly, Hamermesh thinks that good-looking insurance salespeople sell more insurance because customers are biased against bad-looking insurance sellers. This explanation is pretty much the only thing that caught my attention in Hamermesh's book, which is otherwise a good example of how to write a boring book on a great topic. Having a prejudice against bad-looking people is not a good explanation for having a bias in favor of good-looking people. In fact, it's not an explanation at all. It's the same as saying that half a glass is full because the other half is empty. I'd like to offer an alternative explanation for "the pleasure of dealing with good-looking people." It's called sex. Good-looking people are more appealing as potential sex partners, and other people choose to interact with them (to spend time near them, talk with them, buy insurance from them, and hire them as employees) so as to increase the chances to have sex with them. The male mind is designed in such a way when it comes to sex that heterosexual men will do anything to increase their chances to have sex with an attractive woman, no matter how small these chances are, and even if what they do only increases the probability of sex from 0.01 to 0.015 %. What a man can do ranges from a simple smile to an act of courtesy, to sending an email or making a phone call, to having a brief conversation with a woman on a train or a plane. These actions may also include purchasing insurance from an attractive insurance saleswoman; they definitely also include hiring an attractive woman to make her a permanent feature of the working environment. Not all of these actions occur consciously. Some are expressed unconsciously in the form of subtle biases in preferences, decision-making, or other behaviors. The advertisement industry knows this very well. Virtually all the ads in Italian sports newspapers, which are mainly read by men, feature half-naked attractive models, regardless of the nature of the product being advertised. The female mind may not be as extreme as the male mind in pursuing ALL opportunities for sex with attractive partners, but women too are active players in this arena. Heterosexual women too like to look at ads featuring half-naked male models and they flirt (consciously or unconsciously) with attractive men whenever they get the chance. I have an attractive friend who flies frequently for work and whose employer buys First Class tickets for her. She tells me that 99% of the men who occupy the seat next to her start talking to her at some point during the flight, and half of them end up asking for her phone number. Sometimes, she closes her eyes and pretends to be asleep to avoid being bothered. No one bothers me when I sit in the last row of the Economy class. Sometimes, I am lucky enough that no one is sitting next to me on either side, so I can stretch my body across three seats, close my eyes, and sleep for real." - Lit
Your are missed <3 - Sepi ⌘ سپی
10 Tips for a Great Divorce | Psychology Today -
"For some people, divorce inevitably will be ugly. For lots of reasons it's how it will play out. For many people, though, splitting up is a grief-filled experience full of genuine loss and wonderful opportunities. If that's where you are, if you simply were not meant to be married anymore and you are two people of good will, trying to be decent to each other, here are 10 great ways to protect and insulate your fragile peace:" - Lit
"10. No new people If there are third parties involved, you're probably not going to be able to take any of this advice because somebody done somebody really wrong and somebody is enraged, betrayed and deeply wounded. If, however, somehow there were others involved or others come enter the scene early on, do not, DO NOT involve them with the kids. Even if the kids are teenagers it's too confusing and raw. Let the focus be on the family of origin." - Lit
Jupiter and Venus conjunction dazzles amateur astronomers - Telegraph -
"The planets are 450 million miles apart in space, but because they are aligned in the same direction from Earth they last night appeared just three degrees apart. They were visible towards the West just after sunset and before the stars appeared. They will appear bright and relatively close over the next few weeks, and will be most visible in rural areas where there is less light pollution. Venus is brighter because of its relative closeness to Earth and because it gets more intense sunlight than Jupiter. After March 14, Jupiter will drop lower until it is eventually invisible after sunset by mid-April. But in July, early-risers will be treated to a similar spectacle, in the eastern sky at daybreak." - Lit
I didn't take photos, Halil. I can't find my tripod. :( - Anika
Violence across Syria; U.N. awaits response from Damascus | Reuters -
Sad..."Video footage showed the bloodied bodies of several unidentified men strewn on the floor of the mosque. An unseen voice said it was impossible to move them due to heavy shelling. Army defectors ambushed a checkpoint in Idlib region in the northwest, killing the 10 soldiers and possibly more, while rebels also killed 12 members of forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad in the southern town of Deraa, according to the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights." - Lit
Watch The Voice, Shows, Episodes , Online Videos & Music - About - NBC Official Site -
I think this kid is amazing..."A recovering drug addict, Jamar Rogers is an inspiration to all. Although he hit rock bottom at one point, Jamar has been sober for six years and has turned his life around. Through his soulful tunes, this charmer from the Bronx, NY is determined to show everyone his life is back on track, and to prove to the world that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to." ...See his blind audition performance... - Lit
I like him. I was rooting for Whitney Myer, but she lost the battle last episode. I also like Tony Lucca, but probably because I've seen him as an rising star on Amazon for a couple of years. - Kristin
The Birth Control Pill: Fight Cancer and More | The Dr. Oz Show [By Judith Wolf, MD Surgery Section Chief, Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center Professor, Gynecologic Oncology, Blanton Davis Ovarian Cancer Research Program at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston] -
"Studies have shown that taking the birth control pill after the age of 40 can reduce your risk of ovarian cancer by half. It can also help you fight colon, uterine and breast cancers.... among other reasons." Click article to read more. - Lit
"1. It Cuts Your Risk of Ovarian Cancer in Half Ovarian cancer is the most deadly of the gynecologic cancers. More than half of the women who get it die from it. We have no screening test for ovarian cancer and no way to detect it early. Ovarian cancer most commonly starts from the cells that line the surface of the ovary. Every month when a woman ovulates, these cells breaks out of the surface of the ovary and those cells must repair the damage to the surface by multiplying and dividing. The more times a cell multiplies and divides, the more likely a mistake can be made in the DNA, which can lead to abnormal cell growth or cancer! The birth control pill blocks ovulation and that monthly damage and repair to the ovary, decreasing the rate of cell division and the possibility of a genetic mishap leading to cancer. It is also thought that the progesterone level in the pills reduces the growth of the cells and protect against cancer this way." - Lit
5-Minute Workout to Reshape Your Body | The Dr. Oz Show -
"Fitness expert Jorge Cruise and Dr. Oz designed this 5-minute workout to transform your body. By committing for just 5 minutes a day, you can burn fat and calories" ...Did this in the morning today. Yeah, yeah it's pretty good day-starter. - Lit
Can never trust that Dr. Oz - چنین گفت دهری
The Killing - About – AMC -
"The Killing ties together three distinct stories around a single murder including the detectives assigned to the case, the victim's grieving family, and the suspects. Set in Seattle, the story also explores local politics as it follows politicians connected to the case. As the series unfolds, it becomes clear that there are no accidents; everyone has a secret, and while the characters think they've moved on, their past isn't done with them." - Lit
I have been watching it in my free time and it is a pretty good show. I also enjoy the Walking Dead season 1, Damages season 1, Breaking Bad seasons 1 and 2... - Lit
Okay...I finished the first season and am a bit annoyed as you never learn who the real killer definitively is! - Lit
Greece closes offer with bond swap set to pass | Reuters -
"The biggest sovereign debt restructuring in history will see bond holders accept losses of some 74 percent on the value of their investments in a deal that will cut more than 100 billion euros from Greece's crippling public debt." - Lit
"Greece closed a bond swap offer to private creditors on Thursday after clearing the minimum threshold of acceptance to push the deal through, moving closer to unlocking funds it needs to avoid a dangerous debt default." - Lit
Bin Laden's Last Days: Caught Between Feuding Wives - ABC News -
"Osama bin Laden spent his last days trapped inside a cramped compound with two feuding wives, as family members worried the older of the town women would betray the al Qaeda leader to authorities, according to a detailed account compiled by a retired Pakistani army officer. According to Brigadier Shaukat Qadir's report, based on interviews with the wives and other residents of the compound, suspicions erupted between bin Laden's wives when the eldest one, Khairiah Sabar, suddenly turned up in Pakistan. She had lived in Iran after fleeing Afghanistan in 2001." - Lit
In that case, he was probably praying for Seal Team 6 to come kill him. - Akiva
Prosecutors rest case in Rutgers webcam spying trial – -
"The prosecution rested its case Thursday in the trial of a former Rutgers University student accused of electronically spying on his gay roommate. The defense is expected to begin calling its first witnesses Friday...Ravi is charged with bias intimidation as a hate crime, invasion of privacy and hindering apprehension. He is not charged in connection with Clementi's death." - Lit
"On the evening of Sunday, Sept. 19, Ravi is alleged to have spied on Clementi and a man, known only as M.B., for a few seconds with Molly Wei, a dorm mate who was a resident across the hall. Testimony throughout the trial in Middlesex County Superior Court revealed that Clementi discovered the secret webcam on Sept. 21 before a second date with his partner and disabled the device. But the next day, he jumped off the George Washington Bridge and his body was not found until a week later." - Lit
Justice Department may sue Apple, publishers on e-books | Reuters -
"(Reuters) - The Justice Department has warned Apple (AAPL.O) and five major publishers that it plans to sue them, accusing them of colluding to raise the prices of electronic books, a person familiar with the probe said on Thursday." - Lit
US Employment Increases in February -
Small companies supplied more than 5 times the number of employment positions as large companies did, at 108,000 and 20,000 respectively. Based off of these continued statistics coming out of the US labor market, fewer government breaks should be provided to these larger corporations. They are doing little to aid the US economy's growth. - Lit
Limbaugh Advertisers Flee Show Amid Storm - -
"Emboldened by Rush Limbaugh’s public apology over the weekend to a law school student whom he had called a “slut” and a “prostitute,” critics of the radio talk show host are intensifying their online campaign against his advertisers...Mr. Limbaugh has been roundly criticized for talking at length about the sex life of Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown University law student who testified in support of the Obama administration’s requirement that health insurance plans cover contraceptives for women. For three straight days he lambasted her, before saying in a statement Saturday afternoon that he did not intend to attack her personally. “I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation,” he said." - Lit
Good. But they'll be back. If saying outrageous, insulting things were enough to discourage advertisers, he would have been off the air a long time ago. - Kevin (aka ThreadKilla)
That ne'er-do-well overstuffed ass needs to be shoved back under the steaming pile of dung in the foetid swamp from whence he crawled like the mewling, disgusting slug he is. - Absentee
Religulous - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
"A range of views on various world religions is explored as Bill Maher travels to numerous religious destinations including Jerusalem, the Vatican, and Salt Lake City, interviewing believers from a variety of backgrounds and groups. These include a former member of Jews for Jesus, Christians, Muslims, former Mormons, and Hasidic Jews. He travels to Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park, London, where he "preaches" Scientology beliefs" - Lit
I haven't seen a lot of Bill Maher but he brought up some valid points. Additionally, I found it entertaining. - Lit
Megaupload: U.S. Internet Piracy Case Brings New Zealand Arrests | Techland | -
"WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — With 150 million registered users, about 50 million hits daily and endorsements from music superstars, was among the world’s biggest file-sharing sites...Though the company is based in Hong Kong and Dotcom was living in New Zealand, some of the alleged pirated content was hosted on leased servers in Virginia, and that was enough for U.S. prosecutors to act. (MORE: Feds Shut Down File-Sharing Website) The site was shut down Thursday, and Dotcom and three Megaupload employees were arrested in New Zealand on U.S. accusations that they facilitated millions of illegal downloads of films, music and other content, costing copyright holders at least $500 million in lost revenue." - Lit
Megaupload Sues Universal Music Group over Illegal Takedown Read more: - Lit