Jing ®

RT @jburnmurdoch: Great illustration of the gravity theory of trade: New research shows how impacts of a No Deal Brexit would be felt arou…
RT @IainDHenry: The China discussion in Oz is slowly getting worse. There is a narrative emerging in Oz strategic circles that there is on…
So basically, in Chinese, “landing” is 登陆, “login” is 登录. Through my entire adulthood, I’ve been using the former w… https://t.co/XMvfLzGssn
RT @dodo: Imagine if this happened to you 🦍💗 https://t.co/F3AVHyOVqv
I think this comment nailed it. What exactly is PRC political and social value? Between what has been presented in… https://t.co/3JeqkUQIV8
关键是一个从小生长在西方的极右白人至上主义者,也许生平从未踏足中国,他心中所谓的中国政治和社会价值到底是什么?再问问在国内和翻了墙的中国人,你认为的中国政治和社会价值是什么? https://t.co/GkN5L6ZnFS
RT @CarlZha: This is a stupid take. I’ve spoken on record against racism in China. But the white Australian fascist shooter’s understanding…
事前预防,部门监管,事后严惩。各个部门都是这个流程。同类问题一再出现,说明这三个环节每个环节都有问题。 https://t.co/liIEdb6wcp
RT @CarlZha: Chengdu high school parents protest school serving expired moldy food to kids as school meal. Police come to break up protest.…
RT @moniquejolie: Chelsea Manning needs Legal Funds to Resist a Grand Jury Subpoena. #FreeChelseaManning #ChelseaResists - Please donate: h…
RT @Nick_L_Miller: Here's Bolton confirming the US is asking North Korea for total nuclear disarmament, no ballistic missiles, no chem and…
刚好前两天看到,大陆医疗支出占总GDP 5.3%左右,香港和大陆差不多5.4%,英国9.9%,美国16.8%。国外普遍医疗服务更好,跟服务业品质也有关。医疗效果和效率可能要专业医生来判断。 https://t.co/v8G3TRgG5i
RT @xujnx: Yaksha eating up the son of a pious Buddhist king (5th c AD, Kizil, Xinjiang) as a test of the king's generosity; Saturn, done b…
RT @wikileaks: Chelsea Manning jailed for refusing to testify on WikiLeaks and Assange. Whistleblowers are now being forced to testify agai…
根据网上数据,到80年代中期,中国的成人识字率还只有65%,差不多就是英国18世纪60年代的水平。 https://t.co/jqqu6M1PRs
RT @shenlulushen: A petition initiated by UIUC Chinese students says many students, esp. PhD students, can’t get their visas renewed after…
RT @SeanTBM100: Pot of Jin Marquis Pi Western Zhou Dynasty(1046-771 BC) Collected in Shanxi Museum 晋侯pi壶 / 西周 / 山西博物院藏 PS:1992年山西曲沃北赵村晋侯墓地8…
俄国人恶搞放了个假消息,立马被瓜伊多在DC的发言人喂给了彭博,彭博于是煞有介事地刊登了。这帮记者的职业道德和底线到底在哪里?论无预谋洗脑花样一百招。这个恶搞的还搞过Nikki Haley和Boris Johnson.😂 https://t.co/jFwz0rs8Yy
😂. Degeneration of modern journalism. Journalists should double check their news source on Twitter before go publis… https://t.co/Wlc0utcXjz
RT @HenryNewman: A good Brexit deal is within grasp but MPs risk throwing that away in hope that by leaving with no deal, we might be able…
谷歌给我推送这个广告。谷歌我谢谢你。 https://t.co/6dPZ1mbh5z
刚看完,很好。把中国的经济发展脉络梳理了一遍,也对很多政策为什么会如此做了解释,看完学到不少。 https://t.co/4ujafai6pO
RT @jimmy_dore: YouTube is now suppressing all my videos that tell the truth about what’s happening inside Venezuela from independent repor…
RT @iyouport_news: Vizio Admits Modern TV Sets Are Cheaper Because They’re Spying On You. The reason you pay a discount is because your vie…
NSA hack against Huawei back in 2010. A little drama back in the day. https://t.co/FTII8ZeLv4
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing time-lapse footage of a day in the life of a pair of pot plants. Plants are so much more active than we usually i…
RT @simongerman600: This is the most important #language #map when travelling in the #UK. How do you pronounce "scone"? Source: https://t.c…
RT @ShoebridgeC: Far from most US UK front pages, a major UN report today condemned #Israel for using live fire to shoot (in just nine mont…
RT @DavidBCollum: Just leave this right here as a metric of where society is at right now... https://t.co/CFThOWKZnx
This is what you get from “special relationship” with the US. NHS to benefit US pharm companies. Scrap food safety… https://t.co/zlVL0J0ncB
Fascinating report on “How Huawei tried to sell itself to Motorola for $7.5bn” via @FT Also proved Huawei was not c… https://t.co/mm6JYWeRKX
Fascinating report of how Huawei tried to sell itself to Motorola for $7.5bn via @FT. Also proved Huawei is not con… https://t.co/gykzqT2RJv