Jing ®

This is like seeing Jonny English film, both sides. Is that how spy and counter-spy works nowadays? https://t.co/WIqdap9tJX
RT @JamColley: I’ve accidentally set up push notifications for the BBC science magazine and it’s like being followed about by an inquisitiv…
所以基本上对现状有个什么不满不是走人就是推翻政府吗?还棒棒呢,蠢蠢还差不多我看。🙄 https://t.co/LQ3ia7fj9n
Went to #TateBritain intended for Van Gogh this afternoon, saw #DonMcCullin retrospective exhibition instead. As on… https://t.co/lbhH14ZXm4
RT @evazhengll: Chinese Muslims performed Jumu'ah prayer for Newzeland mosque shooting victims in Dongguan Grand Mosque, the largest mosque…
谁动了国家的奶酪?论述全球避税对策。避税天堂各有专精,例如维珍群岛的信托,瑞士银行的税务作弊,卢森堡的SICAV,开曼群岛的对冲基金,爱尔兰的货币基金。企业税对大型跨国企业而言名存实亡,他们可以轻易针对不同国家税制改变各地balance sheet从而尽可能逃税。
RT @Lanszhang: 关于「令和」到底源自汉诗词典籍与否。 我看的年号发表live是说取自《万叶集》(对就是lans近来读的那本)。 日本文学脱离汉诗独立发展的一个标志是「咏樱」的出现。 因为中国古代是重视梅兰的,樱花实在没放心上。 《万叶集》已经开始有咏樱题材,但早…
Next time my fellow twitterers complain about their spring festival dinner and family reunion, I’ll forward them th… https://t.co/WIZ0Ld2HCC
RT @ulywang: Veteran Chinese journalist Zhu Xuedong on recent cases of Chinese college students ratting their professors out to authorities…
RT @katlynmilless: If this isn’t a metaphor for grad school, I don’t know what is. https://t.co/9Qm3W72Blt
RT @CNN: Winston Churchill's policies caused a famine that claimed more than 3 million Indian lives, according to a new study using soil an…
RT @karaokecomputer: brown victims of white supremacist war criminals: one of your faves was a genocidal murderer western media: we will l…
Judging by the size of crowd, Guinness Storehouse probably is the most popular tourist spot of whole Dublin. 🧐 #Ireland
后来陈美的小提琴水平就直线下降,现在基本没什么专业表演邀请她了。她早期的那些惊才绝艳的视频还能在油管上找到。嗯,事实就是这么滴残酷。😂 https://t.co/jhOeTqN22c
RT @jimmy_wales: Hilarious. I am reminded of a video of a toddler solving the problem by smashing all the people. https://t.co/ZHP9dmBIjG
Tried something new tonight... I literally just opened this bag a minute ago... so yummy! Made from yam and taste l… https://t.co/QFSNSKczSU
Half away through the book, found this review echos a lot: Why ‘Why Nations Fail’ Fails (Mostly): Review of Acemogl… https://t.co/WQtbIwmIAF
Could be worse, could be Shanghai ended in Cape Town. 😂 https://t.co/TGKrZOoLGQ
RT @royalsociety: More than half of a recent discovery of fossils in China is entirely new to science, giving new insight into the Cambrian…
这个世界真的有点疯。Jeffery Sachs的”休克疗法”有争议,但对冲基金经理人张嘴就能把一经济学家说成叛国,此经理人做空人民币,去年portfolio gain -31%。还有一推主,新疆问题有争议,关于中国平民视频却可以给… https://t.co/zBL8a9rViS
RT @simongerman600: Beautifully simple poster from @usefulcharts shows 100 of the most common Chinese characters. Fun to look at even if yo…
RT @RobForbesDJ: Boeing was a world-class brand until their planes fell out of the sky and they used CNN to blame black people for it. Fix…
RT @wikileaks: Help @WikiLeaks sue the @Guardian for planting the most clear cut, intentionally fabricated story in the whole 'Russigate' c…
RT @KoenSwinkels: Who never succumbed to Russiagate hysteria? Below a list of 50 journalists, commentators etc & 15 media organizations wh…
RT @libearal: 现在真是翻墙心虚,之前听到派出所敲门也是给吓得够呛,结果是社区常住人口登记。我还有一个网友也是,大清早听见敲门说查水表,都吓尿了,结果人家是真的来查水表…… https://t.co/ib1sDyGKkz
RT @CarlZha: you know you made it when there's a smear campaign against you 👌 https://t.co/IN8f9c7Cs3
RT @mbrennanchina: Wow! China Airport face recognition systems to help you check your flight status and find the way to your gate. Note I d…
RT @rcbregman: 1. Last night, I was invited to be on the BBC show ‘This Week’. I thought that Davos was a bewildering experience, but this…
RT @jburnmurdoch: Great illustration of the gravity theory of trade: New research shows how impacts of a No Deal Brexit would be felt arou…
RT @IainDHenry: The China discussion in Oz is slowly getting worse. There is a narrative emerging in Oz strategic circles that there is on…