Jing ®

RT @GuillaumeLong: Great interview by former Ecuadorian Consul in the UK Fidel Narváez about how the Moreno government sought to break Assa…
RT @ruima: I still think the greatest misconception ppl have re: China tech & Chinese govt is that the CEOs are mouthpieces for the govt wh…
它就这样踩在鸡上来了 🤣 https://t.co/u5MtLZYWdD
To be fair, if similar string had been pulled by Xi in China, very few people in the party could stand up and refus… https://t.co/Sk9l7JcWWP
RT @barnabynerberka: London’s air quality is worse than Beijing and Shanghai’s this morning https://t.co/CRzFbjP2HG
RT @ravenbookstore: Today a customer mentioned that she could get a new hardcover book online for $15. Our mission is not to shame anyone f…
海洛因非法化:60年代伦敦3位GP被披露卖海洛因给病人,在媒体界掀起轩然大波,于是GP被禁止给病人开设此类药品,除非获得特殊执照。最初,有限的一些持有执照的药剂师在伦敦中国城附近为成千上百名海洛因上瘾者开设此药物处方。70年代后,… https://t.co/c3VpDkt8EZ
RT @aishagani: Income inequality is growing fast in China and making it look more like the US – here's a study to read by Thomas Piketty et…
和田加满清真寺和艾缇卡清真寺被拆?国内有人可以证实吗? https://t.co/dfSqNHGUWq
RT @josephfcox: Scoop: hackers found a way to access any non-corporate Outlook, MSN, or Hotmail account. Was abused for months before Micro…
上次去巴黎还说什么避免游客区,远远观望,真是猪啊我。才一年就烧得快没了。以后旅游我要认真打卡。脸好肿… 呜… 😭
Oh no... the spire is destroyed! I only saw it from afar, never even entered! #NotreDame 🤦‍♀️
RT @TomBaxter17: ... and 400 injuries. There were an average of 29 accidents per month, nearly one per day. I wonder is anyone doing a sim…
今天去玩了个密室逃脱游戏,一屋子码农超默契,最后一关最后硬是用brute force闯关了。好像有什么不对…… 🤔😂🤣
This this quite remarkable in compare to track record of many uk/us mainstream media. WikiLeaks may have caused som… https://t.co/P09FMoVPHs
RT @nathanwpyle: Welcome To Your 30s Starter Pack https://t.co/WAZmU3IXLW
RT @wikileaks: BREAKING: Assange has been arrested for extradition to the United States for publishing. https://t.co/vvbZBOgCwL
RT @Snowden: Images of Ecuador's ambassador inviting the UK's secret police into the embassy to drag a publisher of--like it or not--award-…
RT @Ruptly: BREAKING: #Assange removed from embassy - video https://t.co/qsHy7ZVPg5
Donate to WikiLeaks link https://t.co/I4sNf0ImbP <= 捐款链接
RT @wikileaks: URGENT: Ecuador has illigally terminated Assange political asylum in violation of international law. He was arrested by the…
RT @barnabynerberka: BREAK: Full @Ruptly video of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s arrest by British police this morning https://t.co/tdB
RT @aliceysu: We interviewed 8 current and former #Huawei employees (9, counting Ren Zhengfei) for this piece. They included Russian, Thai,…
穷人奔走疾呼多年也比不上富人轻轻出轨一天 🙄🤔😂 https://t.co/XHsrig9WAZ
RT @gexiao2b: 中国高考不同省市之间的公平性问题我在以前的一个回复里详细解释过,要比较公平就一定要熟悉高招流程,任何谈分数多少和试卷难度的都是外行。 对高考制度本身的质疑,我更想看到有人能提出新的方案:中国的大学和学生都在这了,你说应该怎么招。 https://t…
BBC这篇文章可以一读。香港“占中三子”被判有罪前独家自白:雨伞运动的反思,公民抗命的代价 https://t.co/6dXJZVmIb8 https://t.co/IPSUlID2ff
RT @JimMFelton: "I am reluctant to masturbate in a hospital setting, it would be embarrassing" "Perhaps sir would be more comfortable fucki…
最近发现 Non fiction 分类 True Crime 类小说,写得好真是太好看了,比小说还匪夷所思,每本都是妥妥的电影剧本。最近又看了本,回头总结。😏
RT @dancohen3000: Remember when Saudi Arabia and the UAE bombed a school bus full of children with a US-made missile and western media brok…
This looks like directly from Jonny English film, both sides. Is that how spy and counter-spy works nowadays? https://t.co/WIqdap9tJX
This is like seeing Jonny English film, both sides. Is that how spy and counter-spy works nowadays? https://t.co/WIqdap9tJX
RT @JamColley: I’ve accidentally set up push notifications for the BBC science magazine and it’s like being followed about by an inquisitiv…