Jing ®

RT @lain_the_wired: 中国のアニメ制作者にも職人みたいな人がいるんだな 葫芦兄弟(ひょうたん童子)は古いアニメだから見た目や動きが独特だと思ってたけど セルじゃなくて切り絵でアニメ作ってたんだね 短編1話だけなら日本でもこういうの作る人がいるけど、これは全13…
Too late and too much damage is done. This article was retweeted by Bloomberg opinion writer @Noahpinion and other… https://t.co/B98tFmvExA
This is outrages. Government-Corporation collusion is the worst nightmare. https://t.co/uSyEcI0Gax
RT @meghara: Unbelievable. State Dept policy planning director about Pompeo's China strategy: "The Soviet Union and that competition, in a…
RT @jwgoerlich: Backdoors sound more mysterious and complicated than reality, as with many InfoSec things. The Huawei backdoor in Vodafone?…
华为一大功劳就是激发了广大退休老年的业余兴趣爱好,自从我爸用上华为,就俨然觉得自己是半个职业摄影师。每次我家集体出游,他都无怨无悔任劳任怨充当家庭摄影师角色。我觉得也蛮好的。 #华为大法好 https://t.co/RIZUVDA3nX
Why is there no US rival to compete with Huawei?  https://t.co/chKEEYUK9i via @financialtimes
国内客服是蛮可爱的,说什么都要加个“呢”。“有什么为您服务呢?”“嗯嗯,好的呢。”“哦,是的呢。”“对的呢。” 你们这样有点可爱呢。但是我还是觉得不是很专业呢。感觉像在跟初中小女孩说话呢。虽然我初中都不这么说话呢。🤦‍♀️
RT @mowziii: I just found out this is how they X-ray small children and I can’t stop laughing https://t.co/crNsjYhtpK
RT @rob_schmitz: Our government-led group just concluded our visit to the Kashgar city vocational education and training center. We were to…
RT @S_Rabinovitch: This week I look at China's Belt & Road lending. One common criticism is that China is trapping weaker countries in debt…
RT @DonEvansWm: 权力斗争如何以公民权利为代价。这篇文章中给出的信息和线索值得人们警惕,即 审查封锁可以完全伪装为正义和高尚,在政治宣传的掩护下公然违宪。 究竟什么是事实?如果"事实"只能被当权者塑造,公民该如何保持清醒? 详见《权利剥夺者如何伪装正义压制异议?…
The whole concept of “De-Sinicization” is plainly OMFG. I kinda admire their effort in bringing indigenous people t… https://t.co/cRQ1ksTEsD
Yeah a lot of new productions have this trend of modernisation, it may be easier to accept if this is the 4th or 5t… https://t.co/MkvQ2eiHuY
美国人怎么为unbalanced report强词夺理的:集权政府不配俺们的正确公平的报道,俺们民主比集权道德高尚,要求我们对你公平报道你没资格哟。当年伊拉克大规模杀伤性武器报道是不是也是这个理由?表面上的道德高地,本质上不就是n… https://t.co/u0egobpr6q
美国人怎么为unbalanced report强词夺理的:集权政府不配俺们的正确公平的报道,俺们民主比集权道德高尚,要求我们对你公平报道你没资格哟。当年伊拉克大规模杀伤性武器报道也是这个理由。表面上的道德高地,本质上不就是neo-… https://t.co/Wd8hliOMm9
Theresa May approves Huawei involvement in UK 5G network via @FT https://t.co/1tAQpuVfiU
这两年一直在侧面观察各个英文媒体对中国问题报道的角度和取材,后来忍不住搜了下英文媒体的运作,然后发现了Flat Earth News这本书,啧啧…
RT @AssangeMrs: UPDATE on JULIAN ASSANGE My son has still not been able to recieve any visits. Not even from his lawyers! Its been near…
给爸妈弄签证材料,感觉以后失业了回家开签证公司妥妥的 🤦‍♀️
RT @ulywang: US visa denials against Chinese academics are worse than reported. A friend of mine, a retired professor of LITERATURE with a…
It is shocking to some British ppl living and working in France and Germany that they have to apply resident permit… https://t.co/OPoj5dEXpl
British ppl living and working in France and Germany feel shocking to have to apply resident permit in order to sta… https://t.co/pNxrTLN5NL
RT @GuillaumeLong: Great interview by former Ecuadorian Consul in the UK Fidel Narváez about how the Moreno government sought to break Assa…
RT @ruima: I still think the greatest misconception ppl have re: China tech & Chinese govt is that the CEOs are mouthpieces for the govt wh…