Jing ®

Fascinating report on “How Huawei tried to sell itself to Motorola for $7.5bn” via @FT Also proved Huawei was not c… https://t.co/mm6JYWeRKX
Fascinating report of how Huawei tried to sell itself to Motorola for $7.5bn via @FT. Also proved Huawei is not con… https://t.co/gykzqT2RJv
RT @DonEvansWm: 发生了一件有趣的事 中国央视近期开播了一个新剧《老中医》央视正在全力推动该剧宣传,所谓“中国传统文化”。但是与此同时,新华社内部出现了禁令,原文:“各部门一律不报道不评论不做策划” 关键问题在于:为什么新华社和央视有冲突? 但至少证明了曾经IYP…
RT @ChinaBriefJT: By fixating on the debtor-creditor relationship, the “debt-trap diplomacy” narrative misses the bigger picture: namely, t…
RT @WeiDuCNA: People, it's happened!!! Per Chinese media reports, Shenzhen dethroned HK to become biggest economy in #Greaterbayarea 2018…
RT @Federation: We’ve learned that there are some people not affiliated w/ @cruzrojacol & @CruzRojaVe wearing Red Cross emblems at Colombia…
RT @maajiaa: 突厥是一个民族联盟,土耳其人(Türkler)就是突厥人的另一个译法,不要因为历史上回鹖(维吾尔)曾经和西突厥干过架争老大,就把人家意淫成中华民族抵抗外来侵略的一份子。详见维基“突厥”和“突厥人”词条。 https://t.co/xCHtJ5uQWB
RT @UselessTree: Confucian thought of the day: "But if they [leaders] are not good, and no one opposes them, may there not be expected fro…
RT @PompeiiDog: I’m going to do thread on Venezuela’s economic history to try and dispel some of the myths going around that the present cr…
RT @DonEvansWm: 下面这东西正在要求中国官媒内部所有人注册; 注册使用手机号,登陆app会自动显示你所在单位、部门(如是党员还有所在支部)#China #bigbrother 中国的数字化进程很有趣,对社会方面高度侵入,对政权方面高度谨慎 - 你要想找点官方文件可…
Finally some balanced view about Huawei after all these national security hysteria from the US. UK needs to think a… https://t.co/FVcDFiZ2x6
RT @PLMattis: Reading some of the conversations today, Laszlo Ladany's ten rules of China-watching come to mind: 1. Remember that no one l…
RT @NelsonGashagaza: This is how white people shape narrative. If a white person has not seen something then it doesn't exist. Locals saw…
Today’s politics in UK like Gavin Williamson is why Brexit is ultimately doomed. They don’t just fail to grasp the… https://t.co/Rsxbx7wEIF
RT @GeorgeWParker: Gavin Williamson's idea of a "global Britain" - ie sending aircraft carriers to China's backyard - has undermined our at…
Half way through "The Three-Body Problem" by Liu Cixin. Not a very attractive start, but once you get over the firs… https://t.co/x540M2GDjd
RT @FinancialTimes: With just six weeks until the UK leaves the EU, here is a look at all the possible Brexit outcomes. Read more here: htt…
RT @bbcarts: A new exhibition at @WMGallery explores the art created during China’s #CulturalRevolution, from propaganda posters to revolut…
RT @Americas_Crimes: On this day in 1963, the CIA backed a coup against the populist Iraqi leader, Abd al-Karim Qasim, jailing, torturing…
RT @zerohedge: WikiLeaks Reveals US Military Use Of IMF, World Bank As "Unconventional" Weapons https://t.co/Jxm3fFdjEG
RT @MaxBlumenthal: Atlantic Magazine editor in chief, ex-New Yorker columnist and former Israeli prison guard Jeffrey Goldberg mainstreamed…
RT @JeremiahJenne: Very cool news! Forbidden City to open Qianlong Garden to public by 2020. https://t.co/8SVFEcHnd0 https://t.co/y90S7Hdq
RT @cry0431: 哈哈哈英中谐音梗第二波。上推原推里还有 https://t.co/2WLKhEJSsx
RT @kerotto: 中国の年越し番組「春晩」(春节联欢晚会)の先祖「春节大联欢」1956年当時はテレビ放送ではなく映画です。 https://t.co/RTEAtqjmv5 https://t.co/42VtN3LO4T
听说豆瓣上终于要组“儿女皆孽障”小组了,我感到很欣慰。只是不知现在组这个小组的和当年组“父母皆祸害”小组的是不是一拨人... https://t.co/MlfREtB5q3
RT @MaxBlumenthal: This speech is a reminder that the most viciously xenophobic, anti-Latino president in our lifetime is the great white h…
RT @MaxBlumenthal: Just debated Venezuela on @cgtnamerica with the Washington puppet show of Juan Guaidó mouthpiece @Fmarquez77 & right-win…
RT @MaxBlumenthal: I asked members of Congress if they thought the US was meddling in Venezuela. Their dismaying responses demonstrated why…
RT @ecoledesloisirs: Ces beaux timbres dessinés par Chen Jiang Hong pour La poste (en vente sur leur site) sont l'occasion de vous souhaite…
RT @MaxAbrahms: New report adds even more evidence that American weapons to Saudi Arabia and the UAE have gone to Al Qaeda and its friends…