Jing ®

RT @ian_a_jones: Full result of the first Tory leadership ballot. Leadsom, Harper and McVey eliminated. https://t.co/HBHSgqbbvE
RT @axios: JUST IN: British Home Secretary Sajid Javid tells the BBC he's signed a request for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to be extra…
RT @simongerman600: This map shows the life and works of Vincent Van Gogh. Gorgeous piece by Jane Tomlinson. Source: https://t.co/0Va8Tttjf
RT @PippaCrerar: BREAKING: MPs lose bid to seize control of Parliamentary timetable to stop damaging No Deal Brexit by 309 votes to 298, ma…
以备不时之需 => 对付催泪瓦斯和辣椒水 https://t.co/C7tfWBniwi
Parents are coming to visit this weekend: Crisps and soda - threw away ✅ Flat - cleaned ✅ Dirty laundry- washed ✅ i… https://t.co/ieYpPWaK4o
Elliott Management, owner of Waterstones, is going to take charge over Barnes and Nobles! I hope it will be a good… https://t.co/vFn0pT2Kbl
有兴趣搞清楚引渡的流程和引渡法具体是什么的可作参考,欢迎补充: https://t.co/xFvgalv0RV
英国工业革命后期,贫富差距十分严重,工人生活相当悲惨。利物浦和曼彻斯特工厂里的工人平均寿命只有15-17岁,57%的工人家孩子活不过15岁。农村相对还好些,平均寿命38。以前看BBC的《南方与北方》,觉得真美好,Mr. Thorn… https://t.co/MDg63tWnhG
I think this can join the league of R2D2 and Bender to become my new favourite 🤖, despite its lifelessness. https://t.co/1PD3DF9b0t
RT @JamesMelville: England football fans lobbing bottles in Porto. Meanwhile, we remember the sacrifices made by real men fighting in Norma…
RT @williamwoo7: 荷兰国立博物馆为了吸引大家去观展,在购物中心做了一场快闪,COS了伦勃朗的名画《夜巡》:鼓手、小女孩、画布边缘的路人...画上的人物被一一还原,甚至每个人来到幕前的方式,都仿佛是真实发生的!效果非常棒了 https://t.co/QA0uqoi
Oh seems like #Google">Google has a change of mind. #Google">Google warns national security risks if ban #Huawei. #NSA warns nation… https://t.co/uOK8HjYrZk
当初谁把 mind map 翻译成 “思维导图”的?虽然可能比较准确,但我依然觉得翻成 “脑图” 会好 100 倍,四字节 vs 二字节,后面跟任何词语都十分简洁。脑图工具,脑图软件,脑图显示……
#NHS">NHS is Holy Grail for many Brits, anything involving #NHS">NHS immediately becomes emotional. They even included it in… https://t.co/4kFRqGRYqx
Bet they got Trump Baby balloon from China made specially with love 😂 https://t.co/ghY6u97VzD
Apple China strats to take off indie podcasts. Quoted “only shows from selected partners are available...” This is… https://t.co/P5AevbBpp6
RT @iandenisjohnson: The article ends with an update of Xu Jue, a character from The Souls of China, who has since passed away, and a tradi…
Oh I love this! We need it for every London Underground station. 😍 https://t.co/XSyx4DsKrF
It begins... 又示威了,脱欧脱得半死不活自身难保的腐国人民在川普的号召下再一次垂死病中惊坐起... Maybe this is why I like the Brits 😂 https://t.co/qcoFAfirEV
Handwritten notes "forces you to actively listen and decide what’s important. This activity requiries different typ… https://t.co/6YAAQpctlo
IEEE reverses its Huawei ban. I’m glad sanity is restored, at least a bit. https://t.co/3lF4g5VTbM
What is this? More than 13 students experienced this and still no one had been caught? And of course no mainstream… https://t.co/QsM5wdvE4p
Let the UK make America great again... 🤦‍♀️ https://t.co/O8QVcxL95q
Meet this safari with Chinese characteristics. 🤣 https://t.co/XYOtujv0qi
想起那个笑话: 男:一般大事我做决定,小事我老婆。 吃瓜群众:好厉害!你老婆决定啥? 男:我老婆决定我们住哪,孩子上什么学校,家里钱怎么花... 吃瓜群众:那你呢? 男:我决定谁当美国总统,军队开去哪里,该不该发射原子弹… https://t.co/pISK7XKWiz
用了 @Top_CashBack 还蛮满意的,适合重度网络购物者,比如本人。侧面说明在金钱面前,隐私变成了浮云,节操碎成了渣渣…… https://t.co/c4VoJKiWPv