Jing ®

想起那个笑话: 男:一般大事我做决定,小事我老婆。 吃瓜群众:好厉害!你老婆决定啥? 男:我老婆决定我们住哪,孩子上什么学校,家里钱怎么花... 吃瓜群众:那你呢? 男:我决定谁当美国总统,军队开去哪里,该不该发射原子弹… https://t.co/pISK7XKWiz
用了 @Top_CashBack 还蛮满意的,适合重度网络购物者,比如本人。侧面说明在金钱面前,隐私变成了浮云,节操碎成了渣渣…… https://t.co/c4VoJKiWPv
RT @MWJGary: U.K. operator EE will launch commercial 5G service tomorrow (May 30) in London, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Belfast, Birmingham and Ma…
RT @nanshenjing: 一些俄罗斯,韩国等国的妹子在推特上发现了一些中文用户公开售卖迷奸、盗摄的视频后开了一个tag叫 #chinawakeup ,呼吁twitter官方处理,号召英语世界去中国政府网信办举报(此处尴尬值十万)目前这个tag还没有太多简中用户关注。性侵…
A pretty good website to help picking cheapest/best PC components. Support exporting in mark down file. Ignore me i… https://t.co/0PucxksSZh
RT @huchuan: @jeynnecool 2002年当阿富汗刚摆脱塔利班政权时,Rory从南到北徒步横穿全境,写了一本书 https://t.co/7VzZ5nwWFw 后来还制作了一部纪录片,并参与阿富汗和中东的发展支持工作 https://t.co/5Qe5FFnG
RT @shaangjin: Chinese Art from the #Vatican Museums, at Beijing #PalaceMuseum, thru July 14 https://t.co/QctNVCLfGg https://t.co/QqfoROu8oB
“We have no choice but to comply...” Why does that sound a little bit familiar? 🧐 https://t.co/C4ubDM6H2a
自带尼龙购物,使用可续咖啡杯,自带餐筷。必须使用的话,用后尽量回收。 https://t.co/ORVUWsl6C5
Imagin if this is PLA with Xi’s picture 🤣 https://t.co/Z1UNycJ6E8
根据WTO complain cases数据,美国是被其他国家complain不公平贸易活动最多的国家,同时美国也是complain其他国家不公平贸易活动最多的国家。中国在WTO里的数据并不差。所以美国抱怨在WTO里被其他国家/中… https://t.co/1NrF9ib2qY
RT @lqik2004: 如果是真的这手段够脏的。 Exclusive: Huawei reviewing FedEx relationship, says packages 'diverted' | Article [AMP] | Reuters https://t.co
这不就是人类版 The Great Filter theory 嘛 https://t.co/82bXu15ZOC https://t.co/gMpCGA1O3D
RT @wikileaks: This is madness. It is the end of national security journalism and the first amendment. https://t.co/wlhsmsenFw
RT @wikileaks: Sanders, Warren, and Wyden Slam Assange Indictment, a Renegade Use of the Espionage Act to Criminalize Journalism | The Inte…
不以物喜不以己悲,怎么学的?小粉红就小粉红呗,没这点觉悟怎么振兴我中华。没看到有人连Bannon都跪舔,这觉悟,每次我看都感动不已,现代版越王勾践卧薪尝胆啊…… https://t.co/YD68Kqm17v
Ed Davey just said on BBC “most ppl want to hold on to Brexit, they want a final chance to think again”, which is d… https://t.co/3OSgT7Yg5d
Ed Davey just said on BBC “most ppl want to hold on to Brexit, they want a final chance to think again”, which is d… https://t.co/mHZfc1LqXe
Both parties well deserved this result! https://t.co/bUSnzSPHxe
RT @ottocrat: Population of 66 million and we’ll probably get one of these four as our unelected Prime Minister. You could literally chuck…
RT @yaqian20: 每次川大爷一发推,这位仁兄总是前排大骂,现在好了,终于舒心了,致敬这位共产主义战士死得其所😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/zggsp1kjT2
RT @MrFrankBaraan: Wow. @Twitter just permanently banned the famous Krassenstein brothers @edkrassenstein & @briankrassenstein. They have…
Yes! This! JinJiang produced lots of IP for Chinese booming entertainment industry. Hundreds of TV dramas based on… https://t.co/My8uaxp40n
今天推特线快被这个水氢刷版了,一个记者误导了一堆读者,转头又被拿来当意识形态攻击,明明事情到底是怎么回事都还没弄清楚。🤦‍♀️ https://t.co/NpBradQMBC
This guy first abandoned the ship and now come back as a saviour? I honestly don’t know why he should be trusted wi… https://t.co/qmxZJCTvcl
Another round of GoT? 😅 https://t.co/rz6FGsWVbn
Yes! Have been waiting so long for this exhibition to come! Can imagine some visitors dressing up like going to Com… https://t.co/wlyOlhqzqf
This made the second case for US research institutions ousting Chinese/Chinese-American researchers. This cold war… https://t.co/w4qFcnlGox
This topic is actually well researched among west international relationship researchers - Why economic sanction do… https://t.co/yy30qcj8at