Jing ®

Half way through the book Too Big To Fall. What a coincidence! 🤪 https://t.co/QxdMIY0AJz
RT @FT: Deutsche Bank starts cull of 18,000 jobs https://t.co/Fbv07j47kR
RT @Psythor: 1/ BIG news today for London: TfL is announcing that it is rolling out technology to track passengers using wifi full time fro…
RT @mikeygow: Where to start with all this. This is a bit of a long one on #Huawei Going to deal with this by moving through each CV, and…
RT @mikeygow: Where to start with all this. This is a bit of a long one on #Huawei Going to deal with this by moving through each CV, and…
Main roads leading to the entrance of St Peter’s Basilica were blocked due to Putin’s visit. Lots of ppl were waiti… https://t.co/MS9jtSs88z
RT @BrankoMilan: If you think that inherited wealth or wealth acquired through political connections is not the "right" type of wealth, W E…
RT @LanceUlanoff: I guess this is what it looks like when a DDoS attack takes down Cloudflare and a bunch of the Internet https://t.co/kHHd
RT @DoveyWan: No western media reports this but the political implication can be MAJOR On 6/28, Israel 🇮🇱 stops issuing visa to all 🇨🇳pass…
Reading some interesting facts abt NHS. It is the fifth largest employer of the world. Wow. And guess who’s the lar… https://t.co/p7BD6BGu9D
印度教里迦楼罗的造型吧,我觉得真的是萌翻了—看我大鹏展翅! https://t.co/83l1SQBypV
目前看来成功的游行抗议需要: 1. 极其明确而实际的诉求 2. 前期宣传并得到社会广泛支持 3. 有效的大面积动员 4. 高效组织申请并遵守计划 5. 文明非暴力 6. 高度专业化的警察队伍 7. 舆论理性报道及声援 8. 有预设终止点
目前看来成功的游行抗议需要: 1. 极其明确而实际的诉求 2. 前期宣传并得到社会广泛支持 3. 有效的大面积动员 4. 高效组织申请并遵守计划 4. 文明非暴力 5. 高度专业化的警察队伍 6. 舆论理性报道及声援 7. 有预设终止点
Years and years 结局还行。金融体系人设塌了,政府和政客人设塌了,好在司法系统人设依然坚挺,也好在司法独立这个初始设定,否则结局就不会这么有希望。
不同选举机制的异同和优缺点:英美加目前使用的都是First Past the Post,选区的划分有决定性作用,因此导致选票数和选举结果不符的问题。英国曾经想要改进选举机制,解决因小党派相继出现产生的选票分散问题,替代方案是Alt… https://t.co/Mtgec26vSQ
RT @iswenyi: 能这样发声真的很不错,说的也都基本赞同。但读下来整篇的说教意味还是很浓,相比较,更喜欢这篇毕业典礼演讲:https://t.co/w4Zp01RRZK https://t.co/kIpguc21OK
RT @ulywang: Sorry this just makes no sense. Today: you SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED to write critical ACADEMIC review of my book which is highly…
Mum is here, immediately claimed sovereignty over my kitchen after 2 hours arrived England. Hoorays hooray hooray! 🥳😍🥰
RT @EugenePuryear: This is an important article. The FBI purging Chinese cancer researchers, including Chinese-Americans, based on the very…
说到防治假消息,基本认为最好的方法不是辟谣,而是给公众“接种疫苗”。我本来以为是指释放少量过于夸张的假消息达到警惕作用,原来这里所谓的疫苗就是让人们了解假消息的制作过程。但是一个deep fake的年代,你跟我说制作过程?这种手法估计比科技发展滞后了一个时代吧。
RT @Wolf_InTheWilds: 🤣🤣🤣 https://t.co/rukx98G2kr
RT @ClancyReports: Japanese Oil Tanker Owner Says U.S. Is Wrong About Gulf Attack https://t.co/VmUNArwwh5 via @thedailybeast
Told my colleagues my parents are coming and visit for three months, stay with me. Every one of them either laughed… https://t.co/mrH7y9bUUI
RT @ian_a_jones: Full result of the first Tory leadership ballot. Leadsom, Harper and McVey eliminated. https://t.co/HBHSgqbbvE
RT @axios: JUST IN: British Home Secretary Sajid Javid tells the BBC he's signed a request for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to be extra…