I’ve never believed that what attracts us to poems is knowing what’s going on in them. As a matter of fact, I think just the opposite. Maybe that’s the problem people have with poetry. - http://bebrightasyellow.tumblr.com/post...
"Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood." TS Eliot. I think a lot of ppl are put off poetry because they have to deconstruct it in schools. Which is terribly sad. My daughter, who is in English Honours and consumes books like the addict she is, hates the way poetry is taught. It takes all the beauty and mystery out of it.
- WoH: Professor MOTHRA
There are times when I don't understand poetry, but I love the flow of the language or the imagery. I sometimes feel stupid for not understanding it, but I still enjoy it.
- Lis
That's why I think a lot of people don't like it: they associate it with being made to feel stupid for not understanding it.
- Spidra Webster
Whatever you have to say, leave
The roots on, let them
And the dirt
Just to make clear
Where they come from.
―Charles Olson - http://bebrightasyellow.tumblr.com/post...
jennylewis: buriedsorrows: The Good That Won’t Come Out - Rilo Kiley I do this thing where i think i’m real sick But i won’t go to the doctor to find out about it ‘Cause they make you stand real still in a real small place As they chartup your insides and put them on display They’d see all of it, all of me, all of it I’m thankful that this exists. - http://bebrightasyellow.tumblr.com/post...
Let’s remake the world with words. Not frivolously, nor To hide from what we fear, But with a purpose. Let’s, As Wordsworth said, remove ‘The dust of custom’; so things Shine again, each object arrayed In its robe of original light. And then we’ll see the world As if for the first time. As once we gazed at the beloved Who was gazing at us. - http://bebrightasyellow.tumblr.com/post...
Bernadette Peters sings “Stay With Me” in the Into the Woods 10th Anniversary Concert.
I love Bernadette Peters, especially when she sings Sondheim. - http://bebrightasyellow.tumblr.com/post...
I finished my second week of school and everything's going really well. I'm busy (even if it is at night), but I'm making friends and feel good about DOING something that's getting me to my goal - get back to LA. I'm having to deal with sleep changes and being tired, but I'm sure I'll get into a routine soon enough. I'm saddest about missing my tv!
Ugh, I was up until 4 am last night! My sleep schedule has shifted about 3 hours later... It doesn't really work when I still have to get up and do stuff the next day.
- Lis