I’ve never believed that what attracts us to poems is knowing what’s going on in them. As a matter of fact, I think just the opposite. Maybe that’s the problem people have with poetry. - http://bebrightasyellow.tumblr.com/post...
Nov 23, 2012
"Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood." TS Eliot. I think a lot of ppl are put off poetry because they have to deconstruct it in schools. Which is terribly sad. My daughter, who is in English Honours and consumes books like the addict she is, hates the way poetry is taught. It takes all the beauty and mystery out of it.
- WoH: Professor MOTHRA
There are times when I don't understand poetry, but I love the flow of the language or the imagery. I sometimes feel stupid for not understanding it, but I still enjoy it.
- Lis
That's why I think a lot of people don't like it: they associate it with being made to feel stupid for not understanding it.
- Spidra Webster