1 Day 1 Song

Sing a song, play guitar, make it snappy
Sorrow and solitude,these are the precious things
100 years
Woody Guthrie! - Hi-iD
again,picking some Doc Watson
RIP Doc Watson
之前回忆不起来是什么契机,后来想起是前几天一直在听Townes Van Zandt的FFV,想到Doc Watson的版本歌词比较全,于是昨晚翻出很久没听的Doc Watson,一直repeat几首歌,大半夜的跟着哼了好几遍Down In The Valley To Pray,后来今天早上起来上G+第一条post就看到“Doc Watson Dies at 89”的新闻 - ThenWang
Betsy the Serving Maid
First time record my new guitar,covering Martin Simpson's version of this 17th century folk song - ThenWang
Polly on the shore
got Martin Simpson's tab,Orkney tuning - ThenWang
Dives And Lazarus
If I had a flyin' schooner,I'd sail into the light of day
I'm a used up 20th century boy,excuse me if you will
Even my old kettle is whistling the blues for you
Oh, you know all the words, and you sung all the notes,but you never quite learned the song
不知道这里的东西疼王有没有备份 - K.D.
if only I could play it like wizz jones
a song for Nick Drake
early John Martyn
Cocaine Blues
很像Syd Barrett的Donovan的歌
中文wiki写得真简略,硬着头皮看英文。这真鬼使神差啊。 - 虾大脸仁儿
120106 - House Carpenter #1d1s / My first attempt to clawhammer banjo after 3 months practice
自从膝盖中箭以后,好久没来了,基本在玩老滚5和学班卓琴,第一次录班卓琴 - ThenWang
111011 - Wynken Blynken and Nod #1d1s/ a poem for children by Eugene Field
a children's song - ThenWang
唉,现在ff直接用播放器放一直buffering,直接点文件名新窗口打开还好,好久了... - ThenWang
111007 - What The Soul Desires #1d1s/ There is a rapture that my soul desires,There is a something that I cannot name
111005 - Blues Run The Game #1d1s / RIP Bert Jansch. When I'm not sleeping,well you know you'll find me crying
111001 - Cindy #1d1s
找不到沙锤了,拿了一杯日清杯面 - ThenWang
好好笑啊... 我今天笑点怎么这么低... - 虾大脸仁儿
110923 - John Barleycorn Must Die #1d1s / with @yichiknock on vocal
今天不是我唱的,有个朋友过来玩 - ThenWang
110919 - Toy Balloon #1d1s /every time I learn a new Bert Jansch's song,the guitar part is such a pleasure indeed,but the vocal part is torturing me for I can not simply produce so much bass as he did
110831 - Down By The River & Helpless #1d1s
110821 - Friend Of The Devil & Uncle John's Band #1d1s
110820 - Mother Nature's son #1d1s
110704 - Sunshine Superman #1d1s
哦,Google+上目前还不能如此分享音乐。。。不知以后是否可以。 - 空气.sk
前奏 +1 - 骨古头坏死