1 Day 1 Song

Sing a song, play guitar, make it snappy
110704 - Sunshine Superman #1d1s
哦,Google+上目前还不能如此分享音乐。。。不知以后是否可以。 - 空气.sk
前奏 +1 - 骨古头坏死
110621 - Flying On The Ground Is Wrong #1d1s
110619 - Father and Son #1d1s /话放坏掉了。。。湿度90%,没心情。。。不管了。。。
这是你唱的? - 硕少
不用再为父亲节礼物烦恼了:北斗神拳安全套让您不用担心今夜那颗将要瓜分父爱的种子 - 骨古头坏死
110605 - Age Of Treason #1d1s /lately this one kinda became one of my favorite Donovan song
110603 - Jennifer Juniper #1d1s
You know just lately this happy song it came along,and I like to somehow try and tell you - ThenWang
110602 - Try For The Sun #1d1s
who's going to be the one,to say it was no good what we done? - ThenWang
110601 - The Owl And The Pussycat #1d1s /a poem by Edward Lear,a children's song,sort of
1105028 - 2 more Townes Van Zandt's song "Waiting Around To Die" "No Place To Fall" #1d1s
1105026 - 3 Townes Van Zandt's song "Loretta" "If I Needed You" "Two Girls" #1d1s
110510 sp - Catch The Wind #1d1s /today is Donovan's 65th birthday,happy birthday Donovan!
原来O妈和Donovan一天生日阿 - ThenWang
可惜前者是个音乐土鳖 - Oliveee Feeee
请不要侮辱音乐二字 - R093r-
请不要侮辱Donovan(那是谁?) - Paul
1105010 - She Moved Through The Fair #1d1s /another traditional song,an Irish one
110508 - Walk Quietly By #1d1s /又好久没更新了
Walk quietly by,he won't bother you,He's a busy man,he's got things to do,All day long he's happy in his world,Picking up the leaves,Cleaning up his own back yard - ThenWang
一日一歌. .声音怎么这么小? - 空气.sk
把耳朵张大 - ThenWang
110415 - Marlene #1d1s /About a schoolfriend who died in the fire
110403 - Peaceful Valley Boulevard #1d1s
110331 - April Come She Will #1d1s
看不见播放器,ff又怎么了 - ThenWang
110319 - Lung #1d1s /Wont you lend your lungs to me,mine are collapsing,plant my feet and bitterly,breathe up the time that's passing
110318 - That's the bag I'm in #1d1s /I should start over but you know I'd rather not,same thing gonna happen again Cause that's the bag I'm in.
I always wish I had the voice of Fred Neil - ThenWang
110317 - She Came And She Touched Me #1d1s /All the poets do push-ups on carpets of rubber foam ,loudly they laugh at some joke that's been made,and the wise men speak like fools
110316 - To Live Is To Fly #1d1s /Living's mostly wasting time,and I waste my share of mine,but it never feels too good, so let's don't take too long
110315 - Bentley & Craig #1d1s /song about the true story of the case against Derek Bentley, who was hanged for murder under controversial circumstances on 28 January 1953.Originally by Ralph McTell,I first heard it from Wizz Jones
110308 - The Intergalactic Laxative #1d1s / 今天唱首很欢乐的
my romantic vision shattered when it was explained to me,spacemen wear old diapers in which they shit and pee - ThenWang
原来你今日也欢乐 - 骨古头坏死
以后有儿子的话,唱给他听 - ThenWang
110304 - Tecumseh Valley & White Freight Liner Blues #1d1s / again,both Townes Van Zandt's songs
110302 - For the Sake of the Song #1d1s
110301 - Dead Flowers #1d1s /Townes Van Zandt's version
Send me dead flowers every morning,Send me dead flowers by the mail,Send me dead flowers to my wedding,And I won't forget to put roses on your grave - ThenWang
110228 - Kimble #1d1s /again,another Jackson C. Frank's song 年后填坑,换回动圈录人声
人声亮了不少 - 骨古头坏死
110115 - Just like anything #1d1s
I play the fool of rhythm to speak of what is sane,I never think of singing to those who feel the same - ThenWang