Walk quietly by,he won't bother you,He's a busy man,he's got things to do,All day long he's happy in his world,Picking up the leaves,Cleaning up his own back yard
- ThenWang
110317 - She Came And She Touched Me #1d1s /All the poets do push-ups on carpets of rubber foam ,loudly they laugh at some joke that's been made,and the wise men speak like fools
110315 - Bentley & Craig #1d1s /song about the true story of the case against Derek Bentley, who was hanged for murder under controversial circumstances on 28 January 1953.Originally by Ralph McTell,I first heard it from Wizz Jones
Send me dead flowers every morning,Send me dead flowers by the mail,Send me dead flowers to my wedding,And I won't forget to put roses on your grave
- ThenWang