Oh my god. This is disheartening. Where do all of the goofballs hang out? Why at the Glen Beck 9/12 protest, of course. http://www.youtube.com/watch...
You really should watch the whole video. It's pretty amazing. - Ben Hanten
Truly makes you wonder about education and attention spans in 2009. - Ben Hanten
This is the sick reality of mob mentality... - Prosey BUTTONS!
What a strange reality tunnel these people live in. These are the people that make me embarrassed to be co-citizen of this country sometimes... - Lindsay
Just dreadful. - Derrick
Oh wow. This video is just scary to watch. :( "Keep pushing us...find out what happens." What kind of threat is that? I couldn't see the image on the poster very well, but I'm not keen on the idea of handing out veiled threats like that. - Hookuh Tinypants
I'm aghast. There are no words to describe how 'edge of the abyss' this feels. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
That's your Republican party. That's what people like Cheney spent the last 40 years cultivating. This is no accident. This is the Southern Strategy personified. - Anika
Agreed Anika. Whole-heartedly. This is the side that *moderate* Republicans do not want to accept culpability for - but their silence became tacit agreement, whether they like it or not. You know, I was actually accused of hating my country for even suggesting that during Dubya's administration, because I said *these* kind of people make me ashamed that they are my fellow Americans, and that in public, they represent me *as* an American. *heavy sigh* - Prosey BUTTONS!
Actually, I don't think this is dreadful. I love seeing people put exactly how they feel out on public display like that. Of course, I think they're foolish and I don't agree with any of it, but keep it coming, let us know exactly how you feel so that we know what we're working with. - Derrick
Had to rewatch the Czar conversation twice because that was fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. Especially since it was followed by people praising Glenn Beck ("He's such a logical, thinking man!" Zuh?) - Hookuh Tinypants
Scary. - Rodfather
But when they were asked what they were protesting about, none of the people we saw even knew - and they knew they didn't know! I think that was the worst bit - they were willing to be swept up into a frenzy over hazy, half-understood 'issues' and didn't even seem to want to know what it was about. Groupthink writ large. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
This is amazing. People who actually listen to Glenn Beck and praise him in this manor are obviously brainwashed by the mainstream media. - Michael Forian