GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
Laura Norvig,
Robert Scoble,
Tina Chase Gillmor,
J.C. Bouvier,
clive boulton,
Ankush Narula
liked this
who's here?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
I am
- Tony Stanislawski
I do love capping off my Fridays with Steve and the Gang!
- Tony Stanislawski
Hi ... we gonna start soon?
- Ed Schlesinger
Gonna be a fun show. Everyone is pissed at me for what I wrote about Apple yesterday. :-)
- Robert Scoble
I'm here
- Keith Teare
Ed: It always starts at about 1:10, usually takes that long to get everyone hooked up.
- Robert Scoble
I think they are just pissed at you in general !!!!!!!
- Ed Schlesinger
that's right; California !!!!
- Ed Schlesinger
Hi Robert - how are you today?
- Ed Schlesinger
My wife is gonna start yelling at me in about a half hour ... Yom Kippur!
- Ed Schlesinger
PIssed at you Robert, really. My Apple stock has been good to me.
- Tony Stanislawski
Ed: doing great. Just spent the morning with Shel working on our speech deck and stuff.
- Robert Scoble
Tony: hope you didn't buy at $500. :-)
- Robert Scoble
did he mention studentforce to you?
- Ed Schlesinger
No long ago
- Tony Stanislawski
Ed: we didn't talk about it.
- Robert Scoble
Shel Waggener ??
- Ed Schlesinger
- Ed Schlesinger
Tony: then you should be laughing all the way to the bank!
- Robert Scoble
When you were on the iphone badwagon and stock was cheap
- Tony Stanislawski
hey Ed, my wife can yell at me religiously too
- Charlie Isaacs
Ed: no Shel Israel, my book's coauthor.
- Robert Scoble
Robert - are you coming to Milwaukee or Chicago for you book tour!
- Tony Stanislawski
hello everybody, i hope you're all well, in good shape and mood
- flyinthesoup
OK. Then you need to get a demo on studentforce (or folks here can tell you how wonderful it is) and you can take it to your author.
- Ed Schlesinger
Show the midwest some love please Robert!
- Tony Stanislawski
Happy New Year Charlie - thanks for your help today!
- Ed Schlesinger
i would like to intriduce a few questions, entitled, THE QUESTIONS NO ONE WILL ANSWER
- flyinthesoup
you too Ed, my pleasure :)
- Charlie Isaacs
hi... bringing Gang in now
- Tina Chase Gillmor
its fun 'tawking amongst ourselves' !!!!!
- Ed Schlesinger
here's the article I was talking about: The commenters are really harsh!
- Robert Scoble
The big question is should I buy Twitter at the IPO price
- Tony Stanislawski
No-one seems to be publishing the Live feed URL on Twitter - any ideas?
- Ian Waring
Robert - that same article could have been written a year ago and subsitute Apple
- Tony Stanislawski
Ian: I just tweeted it.
- Robert Scoble
@LordDalron checking in from Northern Ireland - Hello all, hope your all well
- Darren James
Tony: IPOs usually don't go well for initial first-day buyers.
- Robert Scoble
...and...3-2-1...Hi all
- Tom Guarriello
Feeling Robert's going to rip Tim Cook a new one.
- clive boulton
Long term you believe in Twitter Robert!
- Tony Stanislawski
OMG ... im laughing at my Gang behind the scenes
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Tina, you're not live yet are you?
- Charlie Isaacs
Nope, we aren't live yet.
- Robert Scoble
she's still incubating
- Ankush Narula
We're trying to get Dan Farber in on the show.
- Robert Scoble
a little holiday piece for my fellow Jews out there
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Got it. Oops, no I haven't. Have to swap around the Chromebook Pixel (video) and iPad Mini (the chat room)
- Ian Waring
howdy there peoples
- Dave Johnson
clive: I'm not. I've said what I had to say about Tim Cook.
- Robert Scoble
NOA ( no one will answer ) Q1 - Did Benioff do LSD recently and had an encounter with Jobs to go one with his mission ?
- flyinthesoup
Bucket List - Be a guest on the Gilmor Gang!
- Tony Stanislawski
no not live yet... My Gang is bubbling around. almost there
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Dan Farber's frozen. He's always frozen
- Tom Guarriello
oi vei
- Ankush Narula
lol Apple fans are hyperventilating in the article's comments.. a whiff of desperation
- Da
- Ankush Narula
is John T awake?
- Ed Schlesinger
Tina: how's the "Girlmor Gang?"
- Robert Scoble
Hi all. Darren - what's the crack?
- Keith Teare
Are we on yet?
- Jeff
Jeff: we are trying to get everyone going.
- Robert Scoble
John Tauschek. We could hear you.
- Robert Scoble
You should just go to the G Gang
- Tony Stanislawski
10-4 ...
- Jeff
Tony: great idea.
- Robert Scoble
Who is John TaUschek?
- Ed Schlesinger
I always want to spell it Gilmour or Gilmor never Gillmor
- Tony Stanislawski
Robert: going to chat with a few more ladies this weekend about GirlMor Gang
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Taschek's Ukrainian half sister?
- Ed Schlesinger
Hey Robert, how's the Rackenator?
- Charlie Isaacs
NOA ( no one will answer ) Q2 - why does Don Valentine (Sequoia Capital) confessed being a godfather hidden in Montana publicly at a later age?
- flyinthesoup
Robert, reactions to your article are example of why comments are now useless on Internet. Except here, of course!
- Tom Guarriello
tough crowd
- Ed Schlesinger
It will be time to go to bed here in the UK soon ;-)
- Scott Jordan
It will be time to begin a fast here in NY
- Ed Schlesinger
In the UK? Surely not on a Friday? Oh I forgot all the pubs close at 11pm
- Ankush Narula
I love the fight between Apple and Android that means both companies are doing something right
- Tony Stanislawski
John Taschek - did you get the Knish recipe I sent along. Mrs. Stahl's?
- Ed Schlesinger
We can line up some great women for that one Tina and Robert! Or, dress the Gang in drag.
- Charlie Isaacs
two more minutes peeps. having an audio problem with Farber...but video is good ;-)
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Charlie: We can just print out the shower pic of Robert and pin dresses on him ;-)
- Ankush Narula
NOA ( no one will answer ) Q3 - will Marissa M. ever be able to free herself from the american beauty stereotype ?
- flyinthesoup
That's been done I think Ankush. Oh wait, maybe that wasn't a dress.
- Charlie Isaacs
anyone see workday's comments, keynote, news this week - even THEY know it time to serve the student: Workday Student:
- Ed Schlesinger
Interesting article in the MIT review - Facebook and Twitter Are Converging -
- Scott Jordan
- Ankush Narula
why should she (free herself) . To me she beautiful BECAUSE there is a correlation between her being at Yahoo and the stock price rising - that's it
- Ed Schlesinger
Only chat today, no movie?
- Ludwig Ederle
I'm awake - I was skyping with my ukrainian half-sister
- John Taschek
Scott: Very true - I found it particularly telling that FB is pushing the hashtag and now both of them are going after the TV networks - who will be #1 in real-time?
- Ankush Narula
whether Fb/Twitter converge is immaterial - THEY ALL ARE GONNA POST THROUGH CHATTER!!!
- Ed Schlesinger
When we starting?
- Darren James
I'm here
- Francine Hardaway
NOA ( no one will answer ) Q4 - Will Steve G. ever confess he had an affair with Grace Jones and ever since he's been obsessed with pUSH notifications ?
- flyinthesoup
We're starting soon. Having technical difficulties getting Dan Farber hooked in.
- Robert Scoble
I love you all in the chat room (which really needs a better name ... pleasework on that). You are lovely, smart, devoted!
- Tina Chase Gillmor
I think you need to add a new guest me...with a good internet connection...:)
- Tony Stanislawski
great stall Tina. Happy New Year
- Ed Schlesinger
Great stuff
- Darren James
Awesome, starting now....
- Robert Scoble
GGG -> Gillmor Gang Groupies ??
- Ankush Narula
Nice piece on Business Insider about Ballmer
- Ian Waring
Tina - I would love to see afce instead of just a arm Tell Steve that!
- Tony Stanislawski
Long time since a good GG rant
- clive boulton
And it needs a better location, too, Tina!
- Francine Hardaway
Refer to Elop as ex CIO of Noston Chicken
- Ian Waring
clive: awe-some!
- Ankush Narula
Read 1/3 of Scoble's book this AM. He knows a lot.
- Francine Hardaway
a face..sorry
- Tony Stanislawski
Francine: thanks!
- Robert Scoble
- Ian Waring
- Ian Waring
Robert: Only thing I disagreed with was you guys' reading of Pariser's book. Privacy much less a theme than the dangers of over-curation and resulting lack of discovery
- Francine Hardaway
Great, we froze.
- Robert Scoble
- Robert Scoble
clive: that Scoble rant was beautiful
- Ankush Narula
Robert is frozen as well
- Scott Jordan
we are rebooting.
- Robert Scoble
reracking, Robert, not rebooting
- Tom Guarriello
s happens
- Jeff
- Ian Waring
No sound
- Tony Stanislawski
Got it
- Tony Stanislawski
Everything working fine this end :-)
- Darren James
the political?
- Ed Schlesinger
Oh oh poitics
- Tony Stanislawski
Why do VCs always want you to read Snow Crash. I'd rather read Scoble's book
- clive boulton
- Daniel W. Crompton
Kevin Marks?
- Ian Waring
We all have something to say
- Jeff
Its Kevin's 47th today
- Keith Teare
Has anybody not read Snow Crash
- Scott Jordan
I bought Apple when I started to follow Robert! Now what?
- Tony Stanislawski
show link
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Of course you are correct Robert. Apple is the best at brand, marketing, the big reveal.
- Jeff
did he say iMaps?
- Ankush Narula
Color sells
- Tom Guarriello
@Robert, you have the link to what your wrote yesterday?
- J.C. Bouvier
@scott Jordan it would surprise me if people here hadn't
- Daniel W. Crompton
Jobs is one of a kind! It will be studied in business forever!
- Tony Stanislawski
Benioff's interview was really worth watching
- Francine Hardaway
Thanks guys.
- J.C. Bouvier
5c and 5S the price structure is all wrong
- Scott Jordan
@Ian I thought they meant that too
- Daniel W. Crompton
I think people keep forgetting that China will have a middle class
- Tony Stanislawski
Francine - I really liked it as well
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Scott: how?
- Ankush Narula
Not enough of a difference
- Scott Jordan
5c is the same price of the 5 here, off contract ... And 5s is £100 ($160) more
- Ian Waring
That's not the strategy - read this when you get time:
- Ankush Narula
if the iWatch is waterproof I will buy one
- Charlie Isaacs
Looking at your watch is as rude as looking at your phone in a meeting
- Ian Waring
5c is making last year's model new (and it's good enough for the masses) - the 5c IS the mainstream iPhone now
- Ankush Narula
OK i mean the non-contact versions
- Scott Jordan
Stunningly beautiful is me
- Francine Hardaway
So buy more Apple stoch
- Tony Stanislawski
Contract even
- Scott Jordan
they are going after the top end of the market - they are not interested in the low end
- Ankush Narula
I will keep my iPhone 5 for now and wait for the iWatch. If I get a new phone it will be a MotoX
- Francine Hardaway
Apple can't compete at the sub-$400 market - so they will dominate above
- Ankush Narula
Moto X is for 6% of the potential base that resides in the USA.
- Ian Waring
latest iPhone reveal convinced me Google has a more interesting volume platform
- clive boulton
I saw Woz last night and check out the watch he was wearing: Vacuum tubes and 150 volts.
- Charlie Isaacs
Charlie: that's freaky
- Ankush Narula
Apple have handed all the non Saturated worlds markets to Android
- Ian Waring
Yes, it's the software on your face that is totally cool. Glass and iWatch are very different
- Francine Hardaway
clive: Google is definitely the volume platform - but it's the fragmented platform - how many phones will work with Google Glass when it launches?
- Ankush Narula
Robert you now sound like and Apple guy again!
- Tony Stanislawski
Anukush - All Android and all Apple work with it now
- Francine Hardaway to avoid the TRASHABLES
- flyinthesoup
Tony: one key to debating is to be able to debate both sides of the debate. :-)
- Robert Scoble
@Robert, what will the Google Glass ASP be? $1000? I think unless they get it BELOW the Nexus 7 pricing, it won't be widely adopted...
- J.C. Bouvier
All Android?
- Ankush Narula
I thought it only works with Bluetooth LE devices?
- Ankush Narula
JC: it won't be higher than $500. (Google Glass)
- Robert Scoble
Google monetises purchase intents. Apple sell devices.
- Ian Waring
I'm not sure about the fingerprint sensor
- Francine Hardaway
Francine: that will prove to be key to protecting people's "personal clouds" of devices and data.
- Robert Scoble
5s is a beta phone
- Tony Stanislawski
Ankush: good point. But how many keep phones 2+ years
- clive boulton
They will likely make their beacons proprietary. Although they will use BT4, they will likely encrypt the data on it to keep it theirs.
- Murray Macdonald
Nice points in your TNW piece btw...def the iCloud + free productivity apps are a big deal.
- J.C. Bouvier
I kept my 4 for nearly three years.
- Thomas Rector
clive: not many in the states - but outside the US the number is substantial
- Ankush Narula
Outside of KeyNote, rest are weak
- Ian Waring
How about Intel's new 14nm 3D mobile processor announcements this week?
- Murray Macdonald
i still have a iphone 4 ;-( that's gonna have to change
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Tina: go for gold!
- Ankush Narula
Tina - Shame on Steve
- Tony Stanislawski
I'm buying a 5S for my wife - gold, fingerprint and super camera
- Ian Waring
Seth Godin calls them "Sneezers" as the infect others.
- Murray Macdonald
No. Not Steve's fault at all. He's is always begging me to upgrade to the latest
- Tina Chase Gillmor
"And that’s why they started with a concert; the iPhone is a brand, an experience, an aspirational lifestyle. Who wouldn’t want to pay just a bit more to be a part of that?" -Ben Thompson
- Ankush Narula
Come on Xiaomi!
- Ian Waring
let's get Steve to ban influenza while he's doing influencers. They're both so close
- Charlie Isaacs
Tins - ok upgrade
- Tony Stanislawski
landing on the moon was just a movie.
- Ed Schlesinger
Ankush: passionate folks in the brics would rather starve than not have latest S3/S4 (agree they keep feature phones BBs for yrs)
- clive boulton
Anecdotatlly, walked into a conf room earlier today w/out any gear; fired up an IE browser on a stock PC on the LAN, logged into my iCloud Keynote beta and created a preso w/my team in 30 minutes; came back to my Mac 2 min later to see everything I had just added already in the original open preso. Impressive...
- J.C. Bouvier
Android Fragmentation and Market Share
- Murray Macdonald
Do people want to give Apple their fingerprints
- Francine Hardaway
Murray: Exactly
- Ankush Narula
I agree that the fingerprint feature is going to be HUGE
- Ed Schlesinger
Francine: the ID is stored in the processor - not the cloud
- Ankush Narula
there was a report on the radio today that criminals will be lopping off people's fingers as they are robbing them
- Charlie Isaacs
I don't use a code
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Robert: you are under estimating human ingenuity.
- Scott Jordan
what happened to the iris scan
- clive boulton
Apple said half
- Ian Waring
Ahh, thanks Ankush
- Francine Hardaway
clive: too many people saw Demolition Man
- Ankush Narula
i can't imagine not having a code on my phone!
- Laura Norvig
Fingerprint security will be huge. It will be the wallet of the further. Watch.
- Thomas Rector
I use password protection. You don't always know when you've lost your phone.
- Murray Macdonald
Murray: I agree.
- Robert Scoble
I never use a passcode on my phone
- Francine Hardaway
No iPhone passcode, including Marissa Meyer.
- christina sponselli
bingo, Murray.
- Laura Norvig
<shame> No passcode here either. </shame>
- Tom Guarriello
- Ankush Narula
so many folks without passcodes
- Ankush Narula
how many phones have remote formatting built in like BB?
- clive boulton
And when I try to use the fingerprint sensor at the gym, it doesn''t every identify me
- Francine Hardaway
Virtually every phone has the hardware required for Face recognition. A camera.
- Murray Macdonald
my passcode is like everyone else's 1111 or 1234
- Charlie Isaacs
Fingerprints get more faint with age
- Francine Hardaway
Francine: those are old sensors. These new generations are MUCH more accurate.
- Robert Scoble
clive: all iPhones after ios 4.3 and I believe all Android 4.0 or later devices
- Ankush Narula
and all Windows Mobile and Windows Phone devices
- Ankush Narula
I think Steve is overlooking the fact that over 50% of all phones are Android. At most they will reboot less than half the market.
- Murray Macdonald
passcode for me on my GNex, and Lookout security
- Da
Robert, Android has a type of AirDrop yes? Do FanManDroid users use it?
- J.C. Bouvier
JC I don't.
- Robert Scoble
Chromecast will exceed AppleTV base size by Xmas...
- Ian Waring
I believe Android allows screens over WifiDirect.
- Murray Macdonald
On 1-2 bus days lead time now
- Ian Waring
Ah ok...I ask because I think AirDrop will also be big for the youngsters.
- J.C. Bouvier
Phone with Finger print security + a link to the iWatch (second device) will be better
- Scott Jordan
clive: i take that back - you can remote wipe all android devices 2.2 or later
- Ankush Narula
Yup, I just got my Chromecast.
- Robert Scoble
two factor authentication for gmail, twitter, bit of a pain but worth it
- clive boulton
I really would love Chromecast if it did more
- Francine Hardaway
I've been using 2 factor with authy
- Daniel W. Crompton
Have it here in the UK via relatives in the USA - brillant
- Ian Waring
Agree on Chromecast - I want it to work with everything - not just netflix, youtube and play
- John Taschek
not all apps have the Chromecast button yet... that was my only disappointment with Chromecast. Otherwise it took longer to get it out of the package than it took to install it
- Charlie Isaacs
Francine - agreed - I plugged my mac mini back into my TV - watching YouTube works fine with AppleTV and iPad
- Ankush Narula
more companies backing up web logins with secondary authentication via a txt or phone call
- christina sponselli
Still can't get Chromecast in Canada :(
- Murray Macdonald
Google and Apple: two entirely different product philosophies, like Dan's Ive quote indicates
- Tom Guarriello
2-factor is the base requirement now. How Apple works with it is going to be interesting
- John Taschek
Ankush: thx, I'll do a dry run on one of my Androids
- clive boulton
When does Chromecast get released in the UK?
- Scott Jordan
Beta Phones which is genius
- Tony Stanislawski
No-apps will use 64 bits until recompiled. It also may introduce compatibility issues.
- Murray Macdonald
Next AppleTV will be A7? Is that what Keith is implying?
- Ankush Narula
John: I like how SFDC does two factor (device verification)
- clive boulton
iBeacon could be PROPRIETARY ENCRYPTED low power bluetooth. It will be easy for them to encrypt it, like their power adapters.
- Murray Macdonald
Single purpose devices?
- Francine Hardaway
"Too early" is what Google does
- Tom Guarriello
Big endian versus little endian all over again, Murray?
- John Taschek
Anyone notice that top selling laptops on Amazon for a year now have been Chromebooks
- Ian Waring
John: Yep. Exactly. Also as a developer I need to make 32 and 64 bit versions.
- Murray Macdonald
Passwords really suck
- Ankush Narula
64 bit sets a big target out there for software developers
- Tom Guarriello
I use the swipe pattern on android (passwords take too long to type)
- clive boulton
anyone who doesn't use a login phrase... you're crazy.
- Jeff
A friend and I started working on an Open Beacon standard. Anyone want to contribute?
- Murray Macdonald
Tom: it's a transitional target - fathom the devices that will emerge from Apple in the next 24 months
- Ankush Narula
Right, Keith. Chromecast. It's Google. It's too early. It'll be much bigger later
- Tom Guarriello
Exactly, Ankush
- Tom Guarriello
Intel introduced 14nm fabrication yesterday. HUGE power savings.
- Murray Macdonald
lower the gloves, boys ;-)
- Tina Chase Gillmor
That's how they finally get into the mobile phone market, Murray
- Francine Hardaway
Internet of (Apple) Things
- Tom Guarriello
Do we really know or can guess where we will be 5 years from now...
- Tony Stanislawski
14nm - dang Intel's fabs rock (shame they stick to x86)
- clive boulton
iBeacon is not the same as BT4. There is the issue of data structures over the protocol which Apple will in all likelihood encrypt and make proprietary. An Open Standard is required.
- Murray Macdonald
Tom: Yes - and the fingerprint sensor is critical for simplifying the experience of Internet of Things
- Ankush Narula
Tony: we can make some rough guesses based on what R&D labs are doing.
- Robert Scoble
Haswell and the new fabs are one of the most important event in the recent processor history
- John Taschek
14mm makes Chromebooks last days; less expensive expands audience;
- John Taschek
John: I'm assuming you're including Bay Trail in that?
- Ankush Narula
I'm proud of Intel. When I left they were missing every boat
- Francine Hardaway
Yes -, Ankush - not sure what ARM response is yet
- John Taschek
did you all hear the mail arrive?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Intel, the sleeping giant, is waking up. 14nm is going to kick ass, and others won't be able to keep up.
- Murray Macdonald
We're seeing the whole interconnectivity system forming up. Exciting.
- Tom Guarriello
Layer is pretty cool, sms text, audio and video embedded in native apps in 10 lines of code (if you believe what they pitched)
- Charlie Isaacs
Airplay vs. Chromecast comparison chart:
- Ed Schlesinger
Google now offering Raspberry Pi software to build CSS, HTML5 and JS for schools. That's Chrome Apps
- Ian Waring
When I Paint My Masterpiece on Another Self-Portrait is amazing
- Tom Guarriello
Why isn't anyone pissed off that there are no open standards that are being adopted across these devices for airplay and video conferencing and push notifications and messaging?
- Ankush Narula
maybe Intel can figure how to run Arm on 14nm
- clive boulton
Here's a video on autorip:
- Charlie Isaacs
Raspberry Pi is power hungry (over 400ma) and the broadcom chip isn't available to 3rd parties. I predict a new cheap platform will replace RPi. Raspian is the platform, not the hardware.
- Murray Macdonald
The DEC semiconductor plant in Hudson, now Intel, used to make StrongARM. Laid off prod staff today though
- Ian Waring
Same thing with books now on Amazon. Kindle version of all physical books ever purchased since '95 is coming soon.
- Tom Guarriello
You can also load your iTunes playlist into the Amazon cloud
- Scott Jordan
I bought a Twine to play with it Murray, a little buggy, but cool, similar to Raspberry Pi
- Charlie Isaacs
- Darren James
Spotify has all the tracks
- Tom Guarriello
Ankush - describe more about universal push.
- John Taschek
StrongARM wow all the way from 1997
- clive boulton is not competing with spotify -- except it will lose to it. HDtracks is for audiophiles
- John Taschek
john - on phone - will explain
- Ankush Narula
I'm trying to determine the lowest cost linux platform, considering price and power requirements. Sadly most old low-cost processors are power hungry.
- Murray Macdonald
I have iTunes + Amazon Play + Spotify covers all eventualities
- Scott Jordan
gotcha, John
- Tom Guarriello
StrongARM and ATOM - those are collateral damage, no?
- John Taschek
I expect we will soon see an atom-compatible chip on 14nm.
- Murray Macdonald
I guess, Atom will absorb the 14mm in it - but it seems a leapfrog to me
- John Taschek
Intel now obsess over x86 - maybe CEO change may license ARM
- Ian Waring
what kind of speeds do you guys get form comcast?
- Darren James
Robert, which Apple product are you using? Airport Extreme?
- christina sponselli
Yes. Airport Extreme (the newest one). Costs $199
- Robert Scoble
I'm 3 miles from a BT exchange and get 1.3Mb/s - Google now compressing web pages for me
- Ian Waring
Darren: I'm getting 11 megabit up and 26 down.
- Robert Scoble
- christina sponselli
Chromecast gives me HD on YouTube and Netflix over that line!
- Ian Waring
I have the new Airport Extreme. My wifi is fast, but Cox cable is intermittent and slow at certain times of day
- Francine Hardaway
My BT connection is 36Mb down and 2 Mb up
- Scott Jordan
Gray, the studio cat, is feeling better
- Tina Chase Gillmor
I have 100mbps Xfinity, but i get about 60 and 14 up. But the reality is that download speeds are often mitigated by ping speeds. If you don't have good connections for each then the experience suffers
- John Taschek
But I heard they're not growing that fast anymore
- Francine Hardaway
70 Mbps down, 5 Mbps up.
- Murray Macdonald
Tablets plus TV interconnect kill XBox and Sony console volumes
- Ian Waring
Mine is 33 mbps down and 10.27 up.
- Robert Scoble
Facebook has all those deadbeat users
- Francine Hardaway
57 down 8 up
- Tom Guarriello
who's in Robert's studio?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Will twitter be over-subscribed like FB was?
- Murray Macdonald
Shel Israel is in my studio.
- Robert Scoble
@Robert - Interesting, ijust ran speed test (while remaining to stream) and im getting 33down and 15 up over wifi. Fibre speed is pretty good in my area. Even better when jacked in
- Darren James
@Robert, engagement on Google+ going up or down?
- J.C. Bouvier
It's the revenue that's the issue. Many FB users are poor
- Francine Hardaway
Up, slowly
- Robert Scoble
twitter is our news channel. we digest it thru facebook
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Hello to Shel! Looking forward to the new book Robert.
- Alex de Soto
twitter the today's most efficient business card
- flyinthesoup
the 140 limit helps support the speed of interacting with live events
- Laura Norvig
I use Twitter to communicate with strangers who share an interest.
- Murray Macdonald
That's what I meant.
- Francine Hardaway
Goldman Sachs was lead underwriter for Facebook and Twitters forthcoming IPO.
- clive boulton
sponsored tweets are dumb
- Laura Norvig
Hi Shel
- Francine Hardaway
Deeper engagement on G+ - but it is a clone of a Chinese service
- Ian Waring
- Ian Waring
I want to control my filters. FB does it automatically, but it is somewhat mysterious.
- Murray Macdonald
agree w/Taschek. supposed to use your own filters on Twitter
- Laura Norvig
Anyone use Facebook Home?
- Ian Waring
120 in 20 out - comcast
- Keith Teare
I'm really embarrassed that Scoble showed me as an example of noisy people showing up in his feed :-p
- Charlie Isaacs
I meant Keith, sorry
- Laura Norvig
If twitter kills tweetbot and hootsuite I'm lost
- Tom Guarriello
Home focuses on people, whereas most apps on iPhones are tasks...
- Ian Waring
hello to Shel
- Tina Chase Gillmor
+1 Tina hi Shel
- Charlie Isaacs
Dan ran out of the room... hope all is ok
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Some people I can only reach through DM
- Francine Hardaway
I would not be happy w/ads in my DMs ... I consider that sacred space
- Laura Norvig
Zuck seems to have dropped FB desktop, complete focus on mobile (Mike Arrington asked this)
- clive boulton
Snapkite is also neat. Shows pics travelling over Twitter. Add search for Food, Pizza etc to restrict feed
- Ian Waring
Hi Tina and kitty cat :)
- Charlie Isaacs
Guys, before i forget, have you heard about I was at an event today in belfast and its really impressive tagging tech for video.
- Darren James
Google Hangouts
- Ian Waring
isn't a lot of the time Facebook counts as users being on because they are playing games on there?
- Laura Norvig
Twitter should play-up direct messaging. Why don't they?
- Murray Macdonald
Facebooks also asks "do you want to stay connected" -- do they count this as being online?
- clive boulton
Charlie - oops... Gray is driving me crazy. He had surgery this week but feeling good now
- Tina Chase Gillmor
I had better finish it and write this weekend, then!
- Francine Hardaway
LOL Steve....I want a signed copy Robert! If you do not come to the midwest, I want one sent to
- Tony Stanislawski
John: not getting off this call - I'll write up something
- Ankush Narula
FB has more contextual data about users than twitter. Twitter is a wild firehose.
- Murray Macdonald
Tina, you are in the catbird seat :)
- Charlie Isaacs
Yes, Laura. Maybe that's the way they make money?
- Francine Hardaway
HBD and Happy Fasting.
- Murray Macdonald
No fasting for this girl
- Francine Hardaway
Good fast, folks
- Tom Guarriello
Book not on Amazon UK yet :-(
- Ian Waring
Please, John
- Francine Hardaway
Francine, they don't really show ads when a user is playing games though so it's some other revenue model w/game developers i guess
- Laura Norvig
What is record Steve? Keep that in mind
- Tony Stanislawski
Robert showed his breast
- Francine Hardaway
Sorry - on Amazon UK but not yet available to order
- Ian Waring
Robert is always baring something ... his skin ... his soul ...
- Laura Norvig
You mentioned Amazon!
- Daniel W. Crompton
I see this weird message on US Amazon:
- Alex de Soto
Intel gonna leapfrog Arm straight to Quark
- clive boulton
crowdfund for some new equipment, it can't be that hard ...
- Laura Norvig
Great show guys, thanks Tina!
- Daniel W. Crompton
yes, Keith might have his own GillmorGang going at his house but he doesn't have Tina :)
- Charlie Isaacs
L8r y'all, have a gr8 weekend!
- J.C. Bouvier
thanks everyone great show
- Charlie Isaacs
Best social event of my week
- Francine Hardaway
- Jeff
my friday guilty procrastination pleasure!
- Laura Norvig
That was an awful Scouse accent
- Daniel W. Crompton