Every Argument About Buffy On The Internet - http://the-toast.net/2015...
There's not one single mention of Giles. Fail. - bentley
(Just because I spent the summer before library school building an Anthony Head website doesn't mean I'm biased. Or does it?) - bentley
The comments get into it a bit. - Andrew C (✔)
I don't remember Spuffy. What's a Spuffy ? - Todd Hoff
Spuffy = Spike + Buffy. I hadda look it up too. - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
"Angel Losing His Soul After He Has Sex With Buffy is Slut-Shaming" hahaha! - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Oh, thanks. - Todd Hoff
The comments also bring up Riley: "Actually, Riley Wasn't That Bad... *Riley is the human incarnation of the color beige *Remember that episode where he and Buffy got trapped in that sex room? *Probably not because it was a terrible episode, except when Giles sang *Riley is the worst " - Andrew C (✔)