#SaturdayFF - I was reading about inefficient airplane exiting and I remembered my high school assemblies. Before the first one in Ninth Grade we were told to watch what the front rows did. Seniors sat in the first rows, then Jrs, etc. When we were dismissed, only the first row stood up. They left from each end of the row, one by one, and started..
..up the aisles. When they had cleared the seats, the next row stood up and filed out. Quietly. No talking. And each row did the same. It looked impressive and worked efficiently. We also had a rule that we could talk quietly in our seats beforehand, but at 8:58 we must stop without prompting. The assembly began promptly at 9:00. The first words from nearly every guest speaker were about how impressed they were. So of course we felt all smug about showing off our dismissal routine. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
I often wished someone could implement that routine for inter-departmental meetings and such. And bus trips. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
That's how our schools were. I'll never understand people mid-plane who get up at landing and just stand there. - Anika
We had our assemblies in a movie theater next to the school (it was downtown) and there was a big clock so we all knew when to quiet down. And raked seats so we could all see. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Why can't they just TELL people to wait for dismissal? Be sporting and let the back row go first once in a while. Or Bingo the rows for fun. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Wherever I am, I'm one of the last people to leave. I hate the body jam to get out as fast as possible. Everyone else can body check each other, I'll be in my seat not getting stepped on thanks. - Heather