Talked to my dad for a minute or two. They've started in on PT, OT, etc, so he's tired, but he sounds ok. Better than last week. I've learned with strokes, it's attrition - everything builds on everything else. Obviously didn't mention the heart stuff - he doesn't need to hear about that now.
Michael W. May,
Jenny H.,
Big Joe Silenced,
LB's FF Hubby,
Friar Will,
Ell Bee, See?,
Stephan Planken
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Thanks. It's a LOT of work, so I don't blame him a bit for being tired. The good thing I saw today is he can talk about it and he's not letting pride get in the way, not that I blame him for that either.
- teleken
Thanks for the update!
- Ell Bee, See?
Glad to hear things are progressing. How are you doing?
- WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I'm hanging in there, thanks. I'm much more self-aware of the heart stuff now. Hoping I can finish up PT soon so I can get nuked and take cars of this stuff.
- teleken