The key to writing is the key to life. Slow down and learn to love every character.
Keith Kesier,
Dan Hsiao,
Sean McBride,
Sebastian Wain,
Greta Urlov,
Laura Norvig,
Mrs. Alix May,
Lisa L. Seifert,
Ashwin Bharambe,
Ketan Khairnar,
Adam Kazwell,
Christopher Galtenberg,
Amit Patel,
Michael Lehman,
Stephen Mack,
Private Sanjeev,
Oguz Serdar
liked this
Even apostrophes? Loving apostrophes is hard to do...
- Todd Hoff
I save my good loving for the colon.
- Steve C, Team Marina
Sweet, sweet semi-colon lovin' is the name of the game.
- Lisa L. Seifert
Calm down, Paul.
- Akiva