We are home for the day. Whew. I need a cup of coffee.
I got both of us ready and we were at the doctor's office at 1 (for a 1:30 appointment).Melinda and I had a good talk with the doctor, Melinda had lab work and a renewed prescription. - Greg GuitarBuster
I've hardly slept in a week, but we should get back to normal by the weekend. - Greg GuitarBuster
*hugs* - Ell Bee, See?
Take care Greg and Melinda I'm going to miss your updates, the good and the bad. - Steve C, Team Marina
On the way home yesterday, we stopped for a burger and to pick up Melinda's meds. As soon as we got home, she took a 3 hour nap, woke up feeling better, watched TV, ate again, slept all night. - Greg GuitarBuster