Is there anybody out there who DOESN'T like WaterMelon? -
I also hate watermelon - Brian Sullivan
I don't like any melon. - Rochelle
I am with you Rochelle. Creates problems when creating fruit salad though 'cause it seems my wife always wants to use melon to bulk it up. - Brian Sullivan
What? I don't even know you people. - Eric - Final Countdown
Not me. I'll eat other melons, though. - Anika
Can't even eat the fruit that the melon touched in the salad. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
And I thought I was the outlier -- I will have to spread around the word around my family that there is a legion of melon haters. - Brian Sullivan
If I were to speak up, I'll just be the contrarian, so. - Micah
Yes. Watermelon is disgusting, along with all other melons. #yeahisaidit #shotsfired - Jenny
My dog used to eat watermelon -- down to the rind - so she and I didn't really see eye to eye on this-- she ate corn from the cob too though so I guess she was weird. - Brian Sullivan
JA, my comment first said "I don't like any melons" but I edited to "melon". For clarity, you know. - Rochelle
Don't like any melon-type fruits. Never really have. Too sweet for my taste, and the texture is off-putting to me - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
More watermelon for me. - Steven Perez
*raises hand* not a melon fan. or cucumber for that matter. - Nathalie
I am not crazy about fruit in general, especially watermelon. - April Russo (FForever!)
I lurve watermelon. C'mon, Pea. Let's go find a stand that's open this time of night. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Not hate but I'm highly allergic to it - Just Mrs. V
Not a fan. - Lola Bean (Penguin)
Too messy for me. - John E. Bredehoft
I like it if it is cut up into little cubes I can pick-up with a fork. - Kenton
It's not summer if there isn't watermelon. - Heather
Well I have no objection to watermelon being or even representing summer (or if other people eat it). I just don't care for the cloying taste, mealy texture or annoying seeds. - Brian Sullivan
I'm not a fan. I am skilled at spitting the seeds long distances though. Go figure. - t-ra is ugly crying