Who's going to stay up and try to be here until the end? What time is 00:00 UTC on the east coast?
Ell Bee, See?,
Big Joe Silenced,
John (bird whisperer),
Josh Haley,
chrisofspades #FForever.,
Brent Schaus,
Jennifer Dittrich,
Tamara J. B.,
Aloof Schipperke
liked this
I'll be up until at least 2AM EST (6AM UTC).
- CAJ was here
so 4 hrs difference
- Not LB (or ellbeecee)
what time does it finish midnight on the west coast? who will press the button?
- Jason
Zuckerberg himself will light the server on fire, or crush it with a hammer like in office space.
- Not LB (or ellbeecee)
Probably having a party at their new offices dancing around the server as we speak, chanting etc ...drums beating...
- Jason
i'll be here until it comes up bad gateway or whatever.
- Big Joe Silenced
I'm waiting to Friendfeed to achieve sentience and become Skynet.
- Not LB (or ellbeecee)
I'm going to try. One benefit of being on EI: a flexible schedule :D
- Brent Schaus
It's very likely I'll be awake.
- Corinne L
I'll be back around 9pm PST, if it's still here.
- chrisofspades #FForever.
It's raid night so I'll be up until around midnight PDT, though not constantly on FF of course. :)
- Hookuh Tinypants
I'm 3 hours behind PST, so not as hard for me. But, I think midnight UTC is in 30 minutes if they're going by that.
- Micah
I'll be up until around midnight EDT.
- John (bird whisperer)