Ever hear the one about the war that ended and hardly anyone noticed at all?
Anne Bouey,
Scoble, Alex Scoble,
Roberto Bonini,
Jeff P. Henderson,
liked this
It's really not a funny one. Not at all.
- tehKenny
When we abolished draft and adopted all volunteer army we made this sort of reaction inevitable, A tiny professional army filed with people we don't know fights our battles while we go to mall and watch American Idol. Think French Forign legion....
- WarLord
Probably because it didn't really end. There are still 40-50K American soldiers in Iraq. When they ALL come home, that will be cause for celebration.
- Jeff P. Henderson
Well, *sigh*, with 90+ bases remaining, that day is a LONG ways down the road.
- Prosey BUTTONS!
Strategically, why would we ever completely leave Iraq? You may not agree with the politics but the strategic advantages to having presence in Iraq and more importantly Afghanistan are pretty obvious. Both are located in the thick of the most volatile regions in the world.
- Kevin L
Actually agree with Kevin. Plus, if military bases and stationed troops = war, then we must be looking for some fuckin' BADASS Nazi holdouts in Germany.
- tehKenny
The US got along fine without having 50K soldiers in that region for decades...
- Andrew C (✔)
And German bases weren't to hold back Germany, but for Cold War reasons, which BTW now seem a little outdated themselves.
- Andrew C (✔)
We had up to 30k troops in the Philippines 80 years after the Philippine American War ended and 50 years after the Philippines declared independence, so I'm not expecting those 50k in Iraq to come home anytime soon. I doubt it will happen in my lifetime.
- Victor Ganata
Yep. Further building of the empire.
- Prosey BUTTONS!
its unsustainable but its one big Federal expense the phony fukin deficit hawks (tm) are silent about but it does not matter we can no longer afford to export American Exceptionalism.
- WarLord
Bring all the troops home from everywhere.
- Dave Roth