For a year or more I have been planning to submit some of my photography to Getty Images Stock Photography (through Flickr) to see if I could sell some images. I get approached semi-regularly for rights to images, but I usually turn people down because I don't really know how to set it all up. I have friends who have been working with Getty for...
Michael Aaronson,
School of Being Healthy,
Alfredo Alejandro Ruiz,
Juan Pablo González,
WoH: Professor MOTHRA,
Hisa Itami,
Bruce Lewis,
Kol Tregaskes,
Peter Fedin,
Amit Patel,
Sir Shuping is just sir,
ωαřмaiden ❤Bassetmom❤,
Mrs. Alix May,
April Russo (FForever!),
Brent Schaus,
Iván Abrego,
Maria Lee,
Anne Bouey,
Paul Buchheit,
Jenny H.,
Soup in a TARDIS,
Eric Logan,
Scoble, Alex Scoble,
Ell Bee, See?,
Spidra Webster,
Jennifer Dittrich,
Tudor Bosman,
Private Sanjeev,
Steve C, Team Marina,
John (bird whisperer),
Stephen Mack,
OCoG of FF, Jimminy
liked this
...years ans loving it, but as life goes I kept putting off the submission, and putting it off more, due to life just being busy.
Well I guess procrastination works for you sometimes. Today I got a letter inviting me to join Getty Images. Yeah for awesome things falling into your lap!!
- Rachel Lea Fox
Good luck!
- Juan Pablo González
- Stephen Mack
Yay! Congrats, Rachel. Your photos are wonderful.
- Anika
- Tamara J. B.
- bentley
That's way cool, but you may want to read some of Thomas Hawk's recent writings on the subject. He just quit and moved to a different service.
- Scoble, Alex Scoble