I was teasing our group about sea snakes the other night, then the next day saw one of these guys on the beach.
According to http://news.co.cr/snakes-... "They are a highly venomous sea snake related to the cobra" and "the national laboratory on serpents does not keep any antidote in stock" - Ken Morley
But don't worry, they are very docile and unlikely to bite. O_O - Ken Morley
O_o where the hell do you live? - MoTO Boychick Devil
gah - Meg VMeg
love the colors, so enticing - -سعید همیشه سبز -؟
DId you read the comment from the woman whose husband did not know what kind of snake it was and so picked it up and put it back in the sea because he felt sorry for it? It's a good thing these snakes don't bite humans. - Friar Will
It's pretty. - Starmama
Very pretty. - Anika
When my friend was working in Dominica, her biggest fear was encountering one of these guys while swimming. - Jenny H.
my phobia ^^ - Sepi ⌘ سپی
Barry, we're vacationing in Costa Rica. I think we will be curtailing our midnight walks on the beach. :P - Ken Morley