I guess the #Spurs are saying to the #Heat: when we want to, we can blow you out too! #nbafinals
I haven't seen a blowout like this since UNLV rolled Duke in 1990. - Julian
...I don't understand this series, neither of these teams should get blown out like this - .LAG liked that
Yep, it is strange. - Todd Hoff
Damn near 40 points. This is bananas. - Starmama
Now Heat fans know how we Grizzlies fans feel. This game looked and felt like Game 1 of the WCF to me. Franchise record setting 3 point barrage. Check. Thoroughly convincing blowout that made the other team look completely outclassed. Check. Packing the paint daring the losing team to take and brick outside jumpers. Only difference is we didn't get blown out quite as bad as the Heat did. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Now the Heat will come out and win by 18 in Game 4. - DB, Lil LB's Dad