It's odd that many, if not most, Thanksgiving Turkey recipes still recommend washing the bird even though researchers have found that to be a very bad idea that won't do anything to kill the bacteria that may be on the bird. Plus with modern processing methods it's absolutely unnecessary.
Cause everything has to be right? - Johnny
It's done to rid the cooties. :P - imabonehead
Wait, why would researchers feel it is a "bad idea" if it simply does nothing? - Soup in a TARDIS
it spreads the bacteria all over your sink/kitchen when you wash it (while it does nothing to the bird) - holly #ravingfangirl
But, if Alex says above, it's doesn't need washing, what would it be spreading over the sink? - Johnny
Not everything has to be right, Johnny, but credible sites should at least avoid tips that are unsafe. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Johnny, the washing doesn't do anything to get rid of the pathogens that may be on the bird. Cooking the bird to 165 degrees F does that. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
I think it's the same advice as for chickens: They *can be presumed to have* salmonella or other bacteria on their surfaces; washing just spreads the stuff around; cooking properly kills them. ("Modern processing methods," I assume, means cooking to 165F?) - walt crawford
I assume "modern processing methods" refers to what goes on at the abattoir. - John (bird whisperer)
I just hate organized washing. - Akiva
LOL, modern processing methods is what happens at the poultry processing plants. The birds are completely plucked these days, so no need to remove the odd feather that may be left as in the days of yore. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Forsooth! From yonder hilltop, Cristo leaves a comment - Scoble, Alex Scoble