Emails I send myself:
bring more tissues into the office - ellbeecee
pick up meds at cvs before work - ellbeecee
(those two are unrelated, fwiw) - ellbeecee
files to work on - ellbeecee
(I never work on them, and rarely send that email anymore) - ellbeecee
Remember to (whatever) - ellbeecee
Grocery/Target lists. - ellbeecee
And yet, there was something that I needed to do when I got home today and I have no idea what it was. Because I didn't send myself an email to remember. - ellbeecee
I've started using Android's location-aware reminders for stuff like the tissues - DJF
Yeah, man -- just "Okay Google, remind me when I get home." It's great. - Jason P
But that would be something new and I hate change. :) - ellbeecee
(fine, I don't. I'm just being lazy about switching methods) - ellbeecee
And I was going to be so good, so I went out to get my prescription refill tonight. Got home and realized they'd given me a 30 day supply, not the 90 that my paperwork says. Called them and I'm going back tomorrow anyway. I should have just gone tomorrow to start with. :p - ellbeecee
I do this too. - Julie Kane
Yep, me too. - Meg VMeg
From my Sent folder for today: "Buy boots for J" - Catherine Pellegrino