Driving in the carpool lane. Self-righteous f*cktard on a motorcycle rides parallel to me for five minutes, alternately yelling at me through his helmet (dude, can't hear you) and pointing at every carpool sign that we pass.
*sigh* I drive a Prius. - Jeanette Bosman
... with carpool stickers. - Tudor Bosman
It's ironic that he's not a carpool and is using the lane via a loophole as well. - Kevin Fox
I just kept nodding at him and smiling. There is no universal sign for "yes, i'm driving a clean air vehicle" ...or is there... - Jeanette Bosman
I know the sign, middle finger. - Eric - Final Countdown
Get a minivan. That way people assume there's someone in the back even if you're driving alone ;) - Paul Buchheit
I'd just give him the 'A-OK' a few times. He'll either get it or not, but either way he'll know I'm getting his message. - Kevin Fox
Yeah, maybe the "a-ok" sign would have been more clear. All I could think of to do was nod vigorously and point at my bumper. Which in retrospect was kind of silly. He probably thought I was saying "kiss my *ss" or something. He did eventually back off, so maybe he figured it out. I just thought it was rather bizarre how concerned he seemed to be with my perceived wrongdoing. Dude, get over yourself, or join the CHP if you like playing johnny law so much. - Jeanette Bosman
The only way that guy could've been more idiotic (and hilariously so) is if this had taken place before 3PM or after 7PM (or whenever the carpool lane hours are in your area). - Brian Chang
Yes, I believe the middle finger is technically the correct sign. - j1m