Today is the same fate of Facebook in how many years from now?
next week - Mike Nencetti
not soon enough. - Big Joe Silenced
It will turn into something like MySpace or Friendster or AOL. Still existing, but a shell. - Back to just Joe
I think there becomes an issue when FB goes to shut down. I was thinking about it last night. They've created a network where a large portion of people's life exists. And even though it was only 7 years here, they're at 9-10 for some people, and still have 10-20 years, likely. At that point it because a far greater casualty to society for it to just vanish. And a much larger cost associated for archival purposes. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
That's a deep but very true point Jimminy. - manielse (Mark Nielsen)
Not even comparable - Ozgur Demir
Too big to fail? - Todd Hoff
Probably more than just a 486. - Back to just Joe
Something something Orkut something Brazil. - Meg VMeg
I don't know - lots of people expected Windows Live Messenger, MySpace, and Bebo to be around forever, somehow - but we all know what happened to those... :) - Tyson Key
Again, not even comparable. They were not platforms - Ozgur Demir
Facebook's primary network is 14x as large as Myspace ever was. One of it's secondary networks, WhatsApp, is 8x as large as Myspace ever was. Another one, Instagram, is 5x as large as Myspace ever was. WLM and especially Bebo were never that close to being as large as Myspace got to. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
AOL was once a Platform that large. - manielse (Mark Nielsen)
So the trick is to never attempt to merge with a Telecom company. ;) - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Trick is never to merge. This is all FB's fault remember! :-) - manielse (Mark Nielsen)