First pass at calculating my income tax.
I owe an additional $1500 and have to repay all of the ACA Tax Credit (another $3800) :(((( - Greg GuitarBuster
Yikes :( - Jennifer Dittrich
:(( I really hope that is not the final tally - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I think I can cut that some, but it wasn't totally unexpected either. When I took that pension buyout late last year, I rolled over almost all of it to an IRA, but took some as a cash distribution and that put me over the limit on the insurance subsidy. Bad timing. I should probably get a professional to do my taxes this year. - Greg GuitarBuster
It's probably worth the $. Or you might qualify for free help. Around this time of year there's usually free help available at various clinics. Ask your local public library. - Spidra Webster
Thanks, Spidra. I went to one free help session at the library last year. My situation last year was already beyond their level. I'll see what I can find tomorrow. - Greg GuitarBuster