ffbookmarklet - How to host your own code on Dropbox
The newly working Friendfeed ffbookmarklet solution came from Stephen ( http://friendfeed.com/friendf... ) via an anonymous code fixer. The following extends the solution so you can host and control your own version of the code on Dropbox. - Micah
1. Click ffbookmark.js attached to this post to download. - Micah
2. Move ffbookmark.js to a dropbox folder. - Micah
3. Right-click ffbookmark.js, "Share Dropbox Link" (link is now in your copy/paste memory). - Micah
4. Paste the link a text editor (Notepad, TextEdit, etc). - Micah
5. Hit enter key a few times for the next copy/paste—now copy the code block in the next comment and paste in editor: - Micah
javascript:void((function()%7Bvar e%3Ddocument.createElement(%27script%27)%3Be.setAttribute(%27type%27,%27text/javascript%27)%3Be.setAttribute(%27src%27,%27https%3A%2F%2Fdl.dropbox.com%2Fs%2F_______________%2Fffbookmark.js%27)%3Bdocument.body.appendChild(e)%7D)()) - Micah
6. Your link will look something like: https:// www.dropbox.com/s/kwfb2abcoyq46kx/ffbookmark.js - Micah
7. Copy the sequence of 15 letters that come after the "dropbox.com/s/" part of the url. - Micah
8. Replace the 15 underscores in the code block with the 15 letter you just copied. - Micah
9. Copy the new code block. Right-click bookmark bar button, click Edit, paste into URL: field. Save. - Micah
The attached ffbookmark.js is a minified version of ffbookmark.src.js (using Google's http://closure-compiler.appspot.com/home tool). It's almost 40% smaller than the uncompressed code. Using this alternate method, you're not dependent on the google drive doc in the original solution—it changing or disappearing. Neither of which likely, but there you go. - Micah
Enjoy. - Micah
+1 dedication - Adriano
Awesome - Stephen Mack
thank you! - Pea Bukowski
You're welcome. We're all in this together. :) - Micah
Thank you, Internet Dad! - Kristin
*iHug* - Micah
Thanks! if someone doesn't use dropbox (like me :D) but has github, you can create a gist, serve it through rawgit.com, urlencode the rawgit url (http://meyerweb.com/eric...), and substitute all the url, not only the underscores in the bookmarklet - scotu
this made me add a dropbox account to my long list of web accounts. - JECO Photo
Oops, there was a problem! > using bookmarklet with images. - JECO Photo
today FF won't load any kind of image, directly or via bookmarklet :( - Lucretia, my reflection ൠ
I just was able to post an image via the bookmarklet. Is it intermittent? - Stephen Mack
Seems like it's working again. - rønin
So I've been trying to use this, hosted on dropbox, and all I get is the blank bookmarklet in the upper right. That, and images are clickable to share via bookmarklet. But the text fields never show up. Any tips? - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
Andrew, you should probably try the latest version -- see http://friendfeed.com/ffhacks... - Stephen Mack
If you get stuck I can walk you through it tonight, Andrew. - Micah
It was my fault, I installed an extension (Privacy Badger) and it blocked FF from non-FF sites. - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
Privacy Badger don't care! - Micah
Micah, do I have your permission to host it on my site? That way we can make it a draggable link again. Draft here: http://www.zeigen.com/ff/ - Stephen Mack
Stephen, affirmative. Go for it. - Micah