It's way too early to be awake. >.<
Morning Jenny! (I am doing it wrong, I know ;) ) - Pete&#39;s Got To Go
Yes, it is. Good morning anyway. - Friar Will
It's too late to be awake ;o) - Melly #FForever
I'm with you, Jenny. Yet for some reason I feel compelled to be up, as if my very livelihood depended on it. Thus far, I have reconciled myself to the facts. I played Ravel's "Pavaneā€¦". I made a sandwich; had coffee; brushed teeth. Now it has come time to leave my domicile and strike out on the busy highway, a podcast on play, wistfully casting my mind back to the warmth of bed and simpler times. Alas. - Absentee
and alack! - Friar Will
Wow, have I really been awake for almost 8 hours already? *yawn* - Jenny