*runs around making out with everyone before the bomb hits*
*splashes on cologne* - MoTO Boychick Devil
Everyone - MILE HIGH CLUB! - Iain Baker
#oohMelly *brushes teeth again before Melly comes by* - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
*gives Melly a smooch on the cheek as she dashes past* - Big Joe Silenced
*adjusts bra straps* - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
*also adjusts bra straps* - Big Joe Silenced
*adjusts jock strap* - Melly #FForever
*adjusts pokemon* - Big Joe Silenced
Pikachu! - Melly #FForever
I choose YOU, bra strap adjuster! - Big Joe Silenced
*doffs favorite bra* - MoTO Boychick Devil
Did I just get snogged by an Aussie woman? - Steven Perez
*reapplies lip balm* READY! - vicster.
The taste of her cherry chapstiiiiiiiick... - Melly #FForever