How Many Web Services Can One Person Use? - Bits Blog - -
"The future, they said, is in Web services that do not require users to change their behavior by, say, adopting a new service or transferring all their friends’ contacts from one service to another. One example, said Mr. Kelton, is FriendFeed. It sucks in stuff your friends post on 43 sites, including Flickr, Picasa, Twitter, Digg and YouTube." - Michael Muller
"Brad Burnham is right, we’re all full to capacity (those Union Square guys are pretty smart). I like to link the services I actually use together — my Twitter feed goes into my Facebook status, and my Brightkite (location-based social network) goes into my Twitter and thus into my Facebook......Alex Gordon" - Michael Muller
".......That said I don’t like FriendFeed because it links too much together. I can handle seeing your Twitter and Digg activity, but not the photos you’re putting on Flickr and videos you’re watching on YouTube. And, ya know, my own email and stuff. Ultimately, the cream rises to the top — the services that are the most intuitive and useful will also garner the most interesting communities. Those that don’t will fall by the wayside. — Alex Gordon" - Michael Muller