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RT @demishassabis: Lee Sedol wins game 4!!! Congratulations! He was too good for us today and pressured #AlphaGo into a mistake that it cou…
RT @mustafasuleymn: The AlphaGo control room! Truly nail biting! :-) https://t.co/qXHtD7KlCc
RT @verge: Breaking: Google's DeepMind defeats legendary Go player Lee Se-dol in historic victory https://t.co/WyuMGiCEPN https://t.co/Ktxo
RT @business: Nike suspends ties with Maria Sharapova after she fails drug test https://t.co/soOa1mjUgB https://t.co/yocUuHnCHs
Tim Cook, Elon Musk, and Larry Page were at a private event where the 'main topic' was.. - https://t.co/eDyCR5phzY via @_feedspot
刘慈欣《球状闪电》电影独家幕后揭秘 https://t.co/RDIhBYLh61
“大狗”遇到真狗— Artificial vs Biological Systems https://t.co/BJbNf1wyzX via @YouTube
RT @futami233: 大保健行业面临没顶之灾 https://t.co/qi3OzYXp4N
笑死 - Paul
叫旁人瞅见好可怜 - 骨古头坏死
Thousands of apps running Baidu code collect, leak personal data: research https://t.co/UHWhgUKtzh via @Reuters
Google’s New Robots Are Completely Terrifying https://t.co/21ko4HUxx1 via @brendan_klink @buzzfeednews
RT @vaughanbell: Every time Dion McGregor fell asleep, he would narrate his dreams in astonishing detail https://t.co/vRJ6RYdSEm Curious @d…
当初参加《美人鱼》海选时,林允是陪着朋友去参加的。这样的老梗并不陌生,最终林允选上了,朋友却被早早地淘汰。 #又是陪朋友去面试 。。
RT @letscorp: 墙外楼 新文革第一张大字报?北京市委宣传部下属千龙网今天发表题为《谁给了任志强反党的底气》的评论文章 https://t.co/48pq9npdh2
RT @nytimes: How U.S. policies on cybersecurity are tied to Ronald Reagan's viewing of 1983's "WarGames" https://t.co/VLdL999wK3 https://t.…
RT @WhiteHouse: This is one dance party 106-year-old Virginia McLaurin will never forget. #BlackHistoryMonth https://t.co/CAPi3heOMT
RT @tanayj: Incredible image https://t.co/pv3l0btRei
creepy! 吓死宝宝了!! - 麦克.疯
评论太好笑了,looks like a sci-fi movie where Zuckerberg rules the world - Jing ®
浙江大学计算机学院搞的“赛博格老鼠走迷宫”的实验。 https://t.co/Elc0GQzwVQ
RT @TEDTalks: Our first holographic teleportation on the #TED2016 stage, via @HoloLens augmented reality. @akipman https://t.co/sdZ9hhGSTm
Why Cyborg Pride? https://t.co/0bex5egBqg via @BodyHackingCon
看来投篮准是有基因的😀 https://t.co/DYhErdxaBX
Russians are melting down their gold and silver to make Leonardo DiCaprio an Oscar https://t.co/wPZAkZ1HId via @mashable
RT @ProductHunt: Why Donald Trump when you can just Trump Donald? 😅🎺 https://t.co/OTlerVO2Pn https://t.co/uS0n4KzXRg
RT @LiveScience: Why the BMI May Be a Flawed Measure of Health https://t.co/vDHQEEnnxr https://t.co/ocgBTXEI3R
Man Ejected From Somali Plane in Midair Was Suicide Bomber https://t.co/A3KrPEPp3e
好悲催 - Paul
RT @nytchinese: 【五角大楼的“拥军”计划:帮美国兵冷冻精子卵子】为了让美国军人安心服役,不必担心因为负伤或错过育龄而无法要孩子,五角大楼想出了免费帮助军人冷冻生殖细胞的办法。计划预计耗资1.5亿美元。https://t.co/uBkwyjFzx9 https:/…
RT @NewsfromScience: Women are more likely to be "empathetic yawners" than men: https://t.co/J4pz7tHYPc https://t.co/rXKHpB9leB
RT @mashable: Marmite is banning 'bae' from its personalized jars in time for Valentine's Day https://t.co/KXUg0dHLVp https://t.co/PXz5DjO0
刚看到这个瓶子,居然是 Marmite - K.D.
对的。原版上面会写Roses are red, violets are blue, marmite you're brown and I love you… love or hate是因为这个东西有的人很喜欢有的人痛恨~ - 虾大脸仁儿
在你们提到这个以后,我昨天买了一瓶试试,卧槽…… - viav
欢迎加入卧槽组,我也是不吃的... - 虾大脸仁儿
只要坚持以嗯嗯为核心,用过的手纸也能当武器,把美帝和走狗们消灭干净//North Korea trashes South Korea with used toilet paper https://t.co/GhbBbhbsqW
原来You-know-nothing和Jon Snow 在一起了😀😀
不是分了么? - Jing ®
RT @History_Pics: "When a man loves cats, I am his friend and comrade, without further introduction." - Mark Twain https://t.co/uIwCqKw9kS
柯洁评AI(国内三夺围棋世界冠军,战胜李世石的95后少年): 1)国内围棋界称AlphaGO为“阿尔法狗” 2)柯洁认为樊麾下得很烂(毕竟才职业2段),阿尔法狗是接近“冲职业段”的水平 3)国内围棋界都期待和AI较量 https://t.co/cCcikcBt8a
我觉得最关键的点是,他已经分不出哪个是AI下的棋了 - fivestone
连下五盘,他说电脑没有体力问题,发挥稳定,fanhui就在后面不稳定了 - K.D.
看后面他没理解对alphago。。。 - 麦克.疯