“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.” -Bertrand Russell
- Eivind
Interesting. I never knew there was a difference between "sunny side up" and "over easy". (I've taken to asking for eggs "over easy" after the waiters at IHOP didn't know what "sunny side up" meant.)
- Tudor Bosman
The number of options for eggs in the USA is far greater than I was used to in the UK or NL, where a fried egg was served how the cook chose to do it.
- Phil Pennock
Note that in the UK, "free range" means that there's 1 sq.ft of sky per bird, not that they're uncaged. It's mostly a gimick. My mother's policy strikes me as wise: pay more if you can see the birds wandering around free, in a local farm, otherwise don't be suckered in by the scams.
- Phil Pennock
Dilbert: "I can't stand watching a small group of people trying to make a trivial decision. It makes me lose all faith in humanity." - http://dilbert.com/strips...