GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
is this the only chat? - Tina Chase Gillmor
crickets - Ankush Narula
Is anyone out there? This is weird - Thomas Rector
The Beatles fishing from a window in suite 272 at the Edgewater Hotel, Aug. 21, 1964. via @SeattlePI
RT @GeorgeHuSF: Looking forward to attending #CNX14 next month. Will be a great event for digital marketers.
@davewiner scripting news rss radio boom
RT @TechCrunch: The Gillmor Gang is split on the latest app trend known as unbundling
RT @TechCrunch: Gillmor Gang: More of the Same by @stevegillmor
Gillmor Gang: More of the Same -
The Gillmor Gang — Dan Farber, Robert Scoble, Keith Teare, Kevin Marks, and Steve Gillmor — split down the middle on the latest app trend known as unbundling. Foursquare begat Swarm, Facebook produced Messenger, and Yo popped out a beta with non-disclosed super powers. Tying it altogether was the seamless fabric of notifications, about to crescendo with iOS8’s app-to-app… Read More - Steve Gillmor
GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
here - Keith Teare
RT @dens: @erickschonfeld App switching is only going to get easier and faster with iOS8 etc. Skate to where the puck is going to be.
RT @TechCrunch: The Gillmor Gang talk Slack, Nuzzel, micro-audiences, notification strategy, and more
Gillmor Gang: Smoke Signals -
The Gillmor Gang — Robert Scoble, Dan Farber, Kevin Marks, Keith Teare, and Steve Gillmor — talk Slack, Nuzzel, micro-audiences, notification strategy, Microsoft futures, Office on the iPad, and a Sunday brunch of tech nuggets. Not discussed but no less relevant, IFTT, Instapaper, Digg Deeper, MediaREDEF, voice roaming, and the amazing set of circumstances that prevented the… Read More - Steve Gillmor
GIllmor Gang, recording live today 11am PT participate at
here - Keith Teare
Great show everyone - Moe Glitz
RT @Scobleizer: Gillmor Gang is moving to Sunday at 11 this week only, see you then. @stevegillmor
Tx for the note guys, have a great weekend... - J.C. Bouvier
RT @TinaGillmor: @stevegillmor catching up w/ email @Starbucks during our cruise trip. Good air conditioning & wifi.
RT @Scobleizer: .@matty652 @stevegillmor sorry, no Gillmor Gang today. Steve is traveling.
RT @NewTekInc: Dr. Andrew Cross Named President of NewTek; TriCaster chief architect will set strategic direction for the company:
RT @timoreilly: #oscon keynotes streamed live at, starting at 9 am Pacific. I'm on at 10.
Gillmor Gang: Yotifications -
The Gillmor Gang — Danny Sullivan, Alexia Tsotsis, Kevin Marks, Keith Teare, and Steve Gillmor — react with nervous jokes as all eyes turn to the success of Yo, the single-minded communication app that has one thing on its little mind. But wait a minute, what’s surreally going on here as BetaWorks’ John Borthwick leads an investment round on the love child union of… Read More - Steve Gillmor
Gillmor Gang Live 07.18.14 -
Gillmor Gang – Danny Sullivan, Alexia Tsotsis, Kevin Marks, Keith Teare, and Steve Gillmor. Live recording session today at 1pm Pacific. Find our Facebook page here. Our live show chat on Friendfeed is here. Read More - Steve Gillmor
GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
here - Keith Teare
Clive ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
RT @Borthwick: New Digg app is in the iOS app store w/ Digg Deeper notifications cc @stevegillmor @noaheverett
RT @Halley: Yes thanks @hojomo but I do try to watch @gillmorgang every week by Sunday afternoon @stevegillmor (Great @Twitter discussion this episode.)
Gillmor Gang: Taming of the Stream -
The Gillmor Gang – John Borthwick, Robert Scoble, Kevin Marks, Keith Teare, and Steve Gillmor – examine the gathering storm that is the Uber social network. After years of positioning, acquisition, soaring value payouts, and a winner-take-all sensibility in the tech community, now something different. The data points: Digg Deeper, Soundcloud, Twitter user metrics, and more… Read More - Steve Gillmor
Nice episode. I couldn't find a place to post my comment but I'm going to do it here. With all this technology I would think that you guys would dedicate a page that would redirect viewers to your other social media sites in a more organized way. Anyway, I like the discussions of creative technology innovation, consumer purchasing power, and law. Neither of these three topics wouldn't exist without the others. But I don't hear much discussion and action regarding law. Lately, it feels as if the consumer is being manhandled by not only the corporations but the negative aspects of bureaucratic law. Especially when it comes to upgrading our technological infrastructure throughout the country. And I feel as if the consumer isn't doing their part enough to set the foundation for innovation to be accelerated. Maybe because were talking about apps like Yo so much? Another question: Since I try not to use Twitter because I don't want to be bombarded all day with stuff, what is the best, simplest and most convenient way for me to be notified and have the ability to participate in a live broadcast from the Gilmore Gang? Oh and Steve I love your on-screen graphics! Keep it classy. - Ian Camarillo
We are readying some tools to directly address your comments stay tuned. - Steve Gillmor
GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
Already at my desk. - Keith Teare
haha! - clive boulton