GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
here - Keith Teare
here too - Kevin Marks
Topic for today's GG: Sup App half-life now measured in weeks. - Tom Guarriello
OMG I'm available to attend a recording! - Matthew Voshell
...and go in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - Murray Macdonald
Here is where the new FB messenger App is headed... - Tony Stanislawski
Here. - Robert Scoble
im going to watch through the roku ustream private channel i wonder how far delayed ill be - Matthew Voshell
We are gonna talk about two-app strategy for sure. - Robert Scoble
That one above is for you Robert! - Tony Stanislawski
@Robert did you see that tweet i sent to most for the Frontline piece that recently aired? - Matthew Voshell
BTW My little experiment last week, I mentioned all of you in a tweet, only Keith responded. I know that I could have got Scobles attention on FB. Steve G and Kevin not so sure how I would - Tony Stanislawski
I saw it, but as keith had responded i thought I'd be redundant - Kevin Marks
The world is coming to an end. I might as well watch The Gillmor Gang live - Francine Hardaway
Excellent plan, Francine - Tom Guarriello
Got it Kevin - Tony Stanislawski
Tony, do you mean this one? - Rob Underwood
I was thinking of Robert S too when I watched the original - Rob Underwood
No I have not seen that...another thing to watch! - Tony Stanislawski
Matthew, nope. - Robert Scoble
What's up Steve! - Chris Hale
ppl are turnig off push notications (in some categories) - clive boulton
I will not install fb chat. Don't want it. Same with 4square. - Murray Macdonald
Wow. Robert jumped right in - Chris Hale
Per a story that relates to last weeks show, and what the gang is trying to understand; - Matthew Voshell
Path like 4sq has 2 app strategy - clive boulton
I agree -- the FourSquare/Swarm split feels different than the messenger/FB "split" - Rob Underwood
I love the new FourSquare app, and Messenger is quite useful. I dig that too. Both are very useful. And, the new Messenger features are super sweet! You guys should check it out. - Jason Nunnelley
Can we make the Dock disappear on Robert's screen? - Tom Guarriello
These apps will have to provide value to users. They seem like distractions more than value. I communicate with my friends through other channels (text, voice, email, beer) - Murray Macdonald
I always view myself as the quintessential user, and I will now never use Foursquare and give tips. I used to do it when checking in. - Francine Hardaway
I have too many other ways to find out where to eat - Francine Hardaway
Question, can you be friends in messenger and not on FB yet? - Tony Stanislawski
But I do like and use Messenger - Francine Hardaway
Tony yes - Francine Hardaway
Yelp is my go-to app for food. I don't want people to know where I am eating. - Murray Macdonald
Agree with Robert on separating of FB apps. I think this could be an attempt to improve reputation for individual components of FB - Chris Hale
@Tony, yes, depending on your privacy settings you can control who can message you; either public, friends of friends, firends, or ony me - Matthew Voshell
Max Schrems suite was stirred by a talk from a Facebook privacy lawyer. “The message was, ‘Europeans are cute with their privacy laws... - clive boulton
My sister (reasonably technical) just made the mistake of having a private conversation on a relative's public Facebook feed. I explained the 2-app split and she's on board now. ;-) - Ian McGee
Messenger and the FB strategy are not the same as 4Square and Swarm - Francine Hardaway
whatever happened to the big "skype" integration into facebook chat? seems like they've kinda forgotten about that? - Matthew Voshell
I think instant messaging in general is a ungodly steaming hot mess - Chris Hale
My wife told me she uninstalled Messenger because of the permission requirements, to which I responded "how are you going to talk to your daughter when she's in Japan?" When in Osaka, my kid only talked to us on Messenger, because it's mobile, desktop, etc. Warren Whitlock called me on the voice calling feature built into Messenger, before I even knew it was there. Cool as hell! - Jason Nunnelley
On iOS, the lock screen notifications arent written correctly, i get a single new notification per message... its awful, they need to allow it to do a "count" of messages from the same persons - Matthew Voshell
My parents and many of my 50+ year old friends are not on facebook. Neither are my kids. - Murray Macdonald
Matthew: we can argue about that. I really like the single notifications per message coming in. - Robert Scoble
Yeah, but I see the utility of FB Messenter immediately, but my perception of FOursquare and Swarm is silly - Francine Hardaway
Swarm is getting better and better! - Tony Stanislawski
I still can't figure out the Swarm "nearby plans" -- it would seem weird to just show up in person at someone's plan (e.g., dinner), even if they are friends. - Rob Underwood
I think what they did is underestimate the gamification of it, which everyone loved and they are bringing those back! - Tony Stanislawski
Robert was talking on his fb this week about everyone who is up in arms over the permission stuff. Its just people pontificating about privacy because they have nothing better to get inflamed about. In a contextual age the notion of privacy is a radically different thing than the traditional notion of what privacy is - Chris Hale
Foursquare made a lot of mistakes. - Francine Hardaway
Good work, Tina! - Tom Guarriello
@Robert re: FB messenger chat notification; if i get 10 messages now my entire screen is full and i cant see any of the other messages (unless i scroll) i think having a count like imessage nativly does its much better to scale - Matthew Voshell
LOL Kevin I know who to message now! - Tony Stanislawski
Matthew: I do wish you had a choice. I see value in how you want to use notifications too. - Robert Scoble
Did facebook ever try to buy four square? isnt this a feature they portray in "silicon valley" when hooloui reverse engineerings the same feature as pied piper; facebook just did that wither thier "check-ins" and foursquare is dead just like that - Matthew Voshell
It all comes down to value. Can they generate more value for their users, and in some way extract that value in a form that positively affects the balance sheet? If that answer is yes, do it. - Josh Bradshaw
By leaving a tip are you not really checking in, just not in the present! - Tony Stanislawski
Bingo Kevin! - Tony Stanislawski
Hey @Robert. I had an interesting thought. Maybe these companies are splitting there apps because of a User experience crisis on mobile. Just like a webpage with too much content on it, maybe they are trying to keep there apps focused and uncluttered so people don't feel overwhelmed by an apps complexity - Chris Hale
When I use it I use it in combo with Google and 4sq - Tony Stanislawski
Really easier to type "coffee shop near me" into Google - Francine Hardaway
Worth noting Yelp has/had check-in ... just no one used it that I can tell. - Rob Underwood
As an app developer, I can appreciate how hard it can be to organize all the functions of an app when an app tries to include the "kitchen sink" in there app - Chris Hale
Don't resist FB Messenger, folks. It's worth it. I use it to talk to my friends in London. - Francine Hardaway
oye,,, a few technical weirdnesses today. its always something :-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
yelp reviews are like amazon reviews, take them with a grain of salt; biz owners check thier yelp and want it to look good; there's been stories latly of owners bullying peopel to leave good reviews or chraging for bad ones - Matthew Voshell
I have had experiences like the one @Robert described. I think this is a drastically undersold feature of FB. It really has helped me meet up with friends in other towns - Chris Hale
Many Yelp reviews are years old (pre apps era) - clive boulton
FB Messenger is quite useful. especial for a small group chat - Tina Chase Gillmor
I use Google Now all the time. Its contextual awareness is great. - Murray Macdonald
There is only so many Messaging Silo's to invest time in. - Moe Glitz
Listening to @Robert all I can think of now is Peter Brady and "Time to Change" - - Rob Underwood
Change is not hard it is fun! What would life be like without change! - Tony Stanislawski
group chat is key. twitter is dropping the ball there - Kevin Marks
Queue steve and his notification love fest - Matthew Voshell
WhatsApp is the most popular one that friends and family use for Group Chats - Moe Glitz
To me, i think a lot of these chat silos will be broken down in IOS 8 once apps can talk to each other. - Chris Hale
How did Facebook Messenger take over what AIM used to own? Why did people switch? - Matthew Voshell
We are using Slack a ton across our development team at Relay now. - Rob Underwood
yes, Slack is excellent - Keith Adler
We love it. - Rob Underwood
Slack rocks. - Robert Scoble
In about two weeks we've moved 80% of our internal communication to Slack .. and it integrates with stuff like Github and JIRA, etc. - Rob Underwood
I have a plane going over sorry - Kevin Marks
yes it integrates with ALL the things - Kevin Marks
Who will acquire Slack. Apple, Facebook, Google or Microsoft - Moe Glitz
Twitter SHOULD - Keith Adler
@Moe -- good question. Maybe LinkedIn? - Rob Underwood
I hope none of them - Kevin Marks
Apple or MSFT would bugger it up - Kevin Marks
good point - Keith Adler
Facebook is too off message - Kevin Marks
maybe google, but they'd have channel conflict with plus/hangouts - Kevin Marks
Yahoo is desperate enough. - Murray Macdonald
It's great for our team because it gave a separate notifications stream that would get everyone's attention - Keith Adler
I love learning about new tools from you guys. *runs off to check out Slack* - Laura Norvig
Rob: slack does git, ok, now i'll check out the app - clive boulton
Stewart would not sell to Yahoo again - Kevin Marks
hmm. slack sounds interesting - Chris Hale
Any App that solves problems will always be in the line of fire for the usual suspects - Moe Glitz
Remember when Whisper was the buzz? They come, they go... - Murray Macdonald
The searchable database, shared group environment is what's great - Keith Adler
@kevin: any indie concept of app-to-app notifications (yeah on the phone)? - clive boulton
It has put our work messaging in it's own separate channel (important when all the employees are overloaded) - Keith Adler
i used to work for the company that managed the backend for whisper - Chris Hale
webmentions are the indie concept, but not very app-focused - Kevin Marks
Ugh. I only didn't remove Yo because I forgot about it - Francine Hardaway
webmentions - thx - clive boulton
Yo is too small to go to the effort of deleting if it doesn't bug us too much... - Ian McGee
There is easily a Top 20 of major Messaging Apps. It's hard to get into the Top 5 and stay there - Moe Glitz
I'm starting to turn off notifications on some apps because I'm being driven nuts by notifications - Francine Hardaway
Yo was awesome for the World Cup...just got a Yo every time a goal was scored. - Tony Stanislawski
I turn of/deny notification on all apps except the social networking apps - Adnan
Yo shows why brogrammers are a stain on silicon valley - Matthew Voshell
what the bejesus is a brogrammer? - Chris Hale
Yo is brogrammers trying to be phatic and just shouting - Kevin Marks
brogrammer is programmer who acts like a frat boy - Kevin Marks
iOS 8 could be the American Bandstand of Messaging Apps - Moe Glitz
The device IS the app! Long term, Apple will be the best and most reliable contextual API provider. The hardware is a vehicle for the software. - Richard Hendrix
I blame Aaron Sorkin - Kevin Marks
i'd liken them to Ogar from Revenger of the nerds... that knows javascript - Matthew Voshell
apple is not a great cloud api provider - Kevin Marks
I turn noisy app notifications off / also noisy folks off - clive boulton
@Kevin... lol Aaron had nothing to do with this! - Matthew Voshell
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH @Kevin - Chris Hale
he reified the dickish programmer - Kevin Marks
The API isn't in the cloud - it's on the device and just transmitted through the cloud if need be - Richard Hendrix
Kevin So you are saying Mark Zuckerburg is a dickish programmer? - Matthew Voshell
I was going to ask Robert if he still had Yo on the phone. - JayVig
I will install it if it guarantees Arsenal will win another trophy this year, Keith! - Tom Guarriello
to some extent - Kate Losse's Boy Kings describes it more clearly - Kevin Marks
Man City are the champions i believe, ahem - Matthew Voshell
but Sorkin created a dickish programmer archetype (possibly intending to be dismissive) but it became a hero role model - Kevin Marks
There should be an intercourse Messaging App. Yes Yes Yes! That would be huge Global Big Data - Moe Glitz
hierarchy of noise: yogrammer > brogrammer > programmer - clive boulton
I was looking for this earlier but all the Slick fans... Hipchat is very similar.. a little nicer actaully.. - Matthew Voshell
that's like google's "pay per emotion" patent - Kevin Marks
Slack's integration wins - Kevin Marks
What's that patent, Kevin? - Tom Guarriello
@Kevin.. yea price might too; but idk here are hipchat integrations - Matthew Voshell
Thanks, Kevin. - Tom Guarriello
googs new user tracking bridges mobile apps and web - clive boulton
Once again folks the book is called "age of context" get it on amazon now - Matthew Voshell
So emotion sensing watches will start driving recommendations to restaurants where people are happy? - Murray Macdonald
The people who hate the change are most vocal - Tony Stanislawski
I did a focus group on the Nespresso machine - Tina Chase Gillmor
Vessyl an early (and ridiculous) example of something that's definitely going to become pervasive. - Tom Guarriello
makeup sex heartrate? - Murray Macdonald
Vessle is awesome cuase it tells you everything thats on the side of the can.. colbert did a nice job with it - Matthew Voshell
Murray: chocolate for Maryam. :-) - Robert Scoble
so all those home automation protocols that apple and google are working are going to be a big key to this contextual future. - Chris Hale
Nespresso machines are yummy -- but now sounding like "The Circle" - Rob Underwood
I like having a real espresso machine. - Kevin Marks
it's a balance of trade -- are people going to be willing to continue to give up privacy for the convenience and serendipity of discovery? - Rob Underwood
Kevin: sometimes I like a 3-star restaurant. Other times McDonalds. :-) - Robert Scoble
BLE sensors have standardized discovery. - Murray Macdonald
@Rob for music? Movies? Sure... for my home... ehhh :/ - Matthew Voshell
scary future... - Adnan
Yep! That's what I'm saying. Apple becomes the arbiter of the sensors, in effect turning the bundle of sensors into a contextual API that Apple provides. The device is just a part of the programming. - Richard Hendrix
Taxi Trails App in Stockholm tracks the travels of all their taxis via GPS to discover Stockholm Hot Spots - Moe Glitz
BLE does but Proximity UUID's do not - Keith Teare
why not push a webmentions notification at an app for scalability of permissions - clive boulton
They are trying to stop tracking the UIDs of their devices, not the sensors. - Murray Macdonald
What apple is doing with beacons is criminal. It's like doing away with DNS so that your computer could only talk to hosts through applications that embed specific IP addresses. The web would have never been born. I put some real effort into a DNS for beacons and I'm now I'm glad I didn't spend more time on it. - Todd Hoff
And Apple is banning BLE to Proximity UUID discovery - Keith Teare
I already did - Francine Hardaway
How exactly are they banning that Keith? - Murray Macdonald
See the thing that scares me about apples approach is that all the data flows directly to apple. I think its important for some of these sensors and things that will talk to each other to be localized to the app in question not to platform itself - Chris Hale
Apple is very good about explaining how they never "touch" your data.... google kind of skirts around it - Matthew Voshell
Android BLE provides a better beacon API. I can detect and respond to beacons without needing to know about them in advance. Apple requires you to pre-register your beacons for the app to respond. - Murray Macdonald
You can set whatever Major and Minor values you want on most BLE beacons. - Murray Macdonald
Can you become a beacon yet on android Murray? - Todd Hoff
Context should not be app specific. Location context is environmental, not app specific. - Murray Macdonald
Murray - yes, all accurate - Keith Teare
Are you asking if an Android phone can transmit as a beacon? - Murray Macdonald
Murray it can not, yet. - Robert Scoble
Apple won't approve apps that try to discover beacons the app doesn't already know about - Keith Teare
Robert: Cannot what? Transmit as a beacon? - Murray Macdonald
Apple will make the browser ? - chris dowling
That's not true. A proper beacon browser would allow you to whitelist desired beacons. There's no reason you need to be spammed. That would just be a bad beacon browser. A good one would let you scan an environment and add the ones you like to your whitelist. - Murray Macdonald
Anybody should be able to make the browser. - Keith Teare
Hearing Apple scaling its Cassandra team ahead of something big - clive boulton
zeroconf, not zigbee - Kevin Marks
Here's a use case: I'm walking down a sidewalk and I want to get information on restaurants on my path. You want to get coupons, specials, menus etc from your local context. Using a general system I could get the id, look it up, apply filters, merge with social streams, figure out the interaction pattern, and present the UI to the user. This can't happen with an iphone. - Todd Hoff
So cute. There's a little Keith in the room - Tina Chase Gillmor
coupons meh - Kevin Marks
Sorry Kevin, yes, zeroconf - Keith Teare
A good beacon browser app would let you enable/disable types of beacons. Coupons, restaurants, etc... Users would turn on and off they things they are interested in. The browser wouldn't spam your notifications, it would present them when you asked, unless you had previously whitelisted them. - Murray Macdonald
saving money bothers you? - Todd Hoff
They don't have the majority of costco customers, just app purchasers. - Murray Macdonald
Murray: Android can not transmit as a beacon. - Robert Scoble
Maybe there will be a "discoverability" ON/OFF setting like in Bluetooth. - Alex de Soto
password heist? - Laura Norvig
It wasn't this stuff about beacons - Francine Hardaway
Robert: Agreed, but it will soon. Also I see little need as phones are already discoverable. Apple can act as an iBeacon, but what is the use? It could be useful in the future when finding friends, etc... but those apps aren't popular as most of that is done through GPS and the cloud, not BLE. - Murray Macdonald
Sprints attempted buyout of Tmobile finally got extinguished this week - Chris Hale
"Netflix subscriber revenue surpasses HBO." - Alex de Soto
And Sprint got a new CEO this week. That is also interesting new IMHO - Chris Hale
I've got to run to a 2:30 meeting. Thanks everyone! Great show. - Murray Macdonald
FCC tells phone carriers to tell users why throttling - Laura Norvig
literally dying I emant - Kevin Marks
I cannot watch World news on any channel. Regurgitation of what was on the internet 2 hours or 2 days ago! - Tony Stanislawski
HBO Vice is pretty interesting. - Alex de Soto
Oliver is a half-hour weekly Daily Show. Big success for HBO and loss for Comedy Central. - Tom Guarriello
Feeling Apple Watch focused more on personal health: sensors / notifications / analytics - clive boulton
Who is getting the new Apple iPhone? - Alex de Soto
presentate - Kevin Marks
many ppl want the larger iphone - clive boulton
What I do not get Robert is what is the key difference between these people who spend so much time worrying about this rather than using it. Your thread on FB would be an interesting dissertation..... - Tony Stanislawski
this is too small - Kevin Marks
*waves to Todd Hoff* - Laura Norvig
Special mention: Danny Sullivan's Twitter coverage of the hurricanes in Hawaii. - Alex de Soto
Good show! Time for some wine! Vivino show me the way! :) - Tony Stanislawski
When is your next show, Tina? - Laura Norvig
What's that football app again, Keith? - Tom Guarriello
Tony: we all talk about it because it's interesting and we all are gonna use it. - Robert Scoble
Now for some G3 - clive boulton
In case I don't see ya, Good afternoon, good evening and goodnight! - Chris Hale
I want the larger phone - Francine Hardaway
Nice one! - Asif Rahman
Good show. 'night all - Ian McGee
thanks! - Richard Hendrix
Francine the larger phone spurs a smaller watch? - clive boulton
Ah, One it. - Tom Guarriello
Thanks everyone! - Robert Scoble
Oh hey, I found the "chat room". Another great show, thanks :) - Brian Gaudenti