[REALPLAY] First Frozen Synapse Prime Match - Rocketeer Worth His Rations - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Re: Social media, data journalism and #gamergate - http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archive...
"You should be more worried by the fact that all the signs show that we've already seen all of these tactics deployed in every major "social media involved" tempest-in-a-teapot for the last decade, and before that the same techniques and tactics were employed at a much more glacial pace – but still employed – as both a means of manipulating public opinion and, near orthagonally, for self-aggrandizement. Once you start thinking about it, you start wondering how much of all public polling, "public" involvement, and activism in general is just the equivalent of a small group of people with nothing better to do shouting stupid things at another small group of people with nothing better to do and journalists pretending that it means something." - Alexander Williams
REALPLAY - Door Kickers: The Platoon Killhouse, Where A Platoon Got Kilt - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
REALPLAY - Door Kickers: I Mock Up Your Apartment - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
REALPLAY - Door Kickers: Not the Prettiest Way to Stack Rooms - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Re: Giveaway: Win a Canon 7D Mark II and a 18-135mm Lens - http://petapixel.com/2014...
"Dawn Jones" - Alexander Williams
"It's a social network that makes it hard to find people that you know to be social with. It's a social network in an ecology where we have at least 10 actually functional social networks to choose from. It's a social network tool that doesn't actually define a problem that it solves. The problem that it suggests that it solves, "you are the product," it solves poorly or not at all. Do you know how to develop a project that will never get traction? Have it solve a problem nobody has. That's exactly what Ello is doing. But worse – it's doing so poorly. The day will come, inevitably, when there is a Facebook-killer – but it will offer things to a new user that Facebook does not do, and things that Tumblr does not do, and things that Google+ does not do, and will provide a compelling reason for people to actually use it. That very underlying fact is exactly in opposition to everything in the Ello manifesto. (We'll leave as an exercise for the reader whether or not anything with a..." - Alexander Williams
3d Projection of the Wall of RPGs - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Tinkering With Creating 3d Point Clouds From Video Imagery - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Re: Minecraft Has Taken Over My Home - http://www.pugetsystems.com/blog...
"My pleasure. You can see some of my gameplay on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?... , but there are tonnes of excellent videos out there that show some of the keen stuff you can do with it." - Alexander Williams
Re: Minecraft Has Taken Over My Home - http://www.pugetsystems.com/blog...
"If you decide that it's time to move on to a slightly newer game with a similar voxel-based world modeling, but in the future where you build spacecraft, space stations, and asteroid bases, you could do much worse than looking into Space Engineers (http://www.spaceengineersgame..... It's not nearly as developed as Minecraft is currently, because they only recently added mod support that allows players to extend and expand the available blocks/machinery, but if you ever wanted to get used to zero gravity maneuvering and construction, putting together a complex gravity fields in order to accelerate or gather materials, or get together with your friends and build fighter craft to take each other on head on, this is a great game for it. It's still in alpha, it's definitely not optimized yet, and they are releasing a patch every week (Patchmas!), Which are all point you need to be aware of before you get involved with the game. Personally, I love it. Last week's edition of sensors has..." - Alexander Williams
REALPLAY - Space Engineers - It's Blocking My View - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Re: I’ve mentioned elsewhere how much I love the new... - http://demiurgent.tumblr.com/post...
"Maybe the pants are simply _not required_ as part of the medical uniform. So it's Sado who is technically out of dress uniform -- but people give him a pass because he's a drunk. Maybe pantslessness is optional in all dress uniform!" - Alexander Williams
REALPLAY - Killing Floor - Objective Mode Mode: Transit - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
REALPLAY - Killing Floor - Killing Floor Mode - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
REALPLAY STREAM - Killing Floor - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
700 Horsepower - S012: Machinas: 002 - I Am the Night Rider - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
70 Horsepower - S012 - Machinas: 002 - I Am the Night Rider - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Re: news:rewired - Startup culture in a big braodcaster - http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archive...
"I'll admit, my questions would be about how they're able to constantly produce that much consistent content without hitting producer burn-out, which is the issue I always run into when I'm deep into production-mode. You either have a large, active, varied crew or you accept quality is going to dip and lift on a regular cycle." - Alexander Williams
700 Horsepower - S011 - Kingdom: 003 - Hive, Hive, Burning Bright - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Re: Press Gazette's double standards - http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archive...
"Yes, but are these people with extensive investments remaining in the buggy whip industry? Have they ever suggested that those "darn kids" get off their lawn? Are they, in short, people whose opinions we should actually take on any subject whatsoever? My suspicion certainly has some tendencies." - Alexander Williams
Re: Press Gazette's double standards - http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archive...
"No one asks if magazines have had their day because it's obvious to all involved that the answer will always be, "yes." A question you already know the answer to is not news. A question that would surprise you with an answer that doesn't match your experience is news. Note that I am defining "news" by the strangely pernicious definition that seems to have crept into the industry of the last few decades. "News" is one of two things: something surprising that bolsters the opinion or idea that the journalist already had, or something "everyone knows" that erodes the position of someone that the journalist doesn't like. Everything else? Mere facts." - Alexander Williams
700 Horsepower - S011 - Kingdom: 003 - From Nevada, With Love - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
700 Horsepower - S010 - Kingdom: 002 - BEE HUMAN - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Re: Burger bites journalist - http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archive...
"It sounds like lies. As in untruth. Or the effect of huge drama queens, it's hard to tell. We're pretty familiar with the effects of capsaicin. Hell, I'm betting you have local Indian cafes where the overall Scovilles are higher. But how would their copy be received if it went: "We tried it and it was hot as Hell, but some milk chugging, nose running, and eye-squinting, and we made it through alright. Neither of us are into spicy food though, so -- y'know." Compare your fine chaps to any episode of "Man vs Food" on Food Network. Admitting your gut lost out to a mere 7mil Scovilles on a tiny burger is why you guys couldn't hold onto the colonies, you know." - Alexander Williams
700 Horsepower - S010 - Kingdom: 002 - BEES DON'T KNOW LOVE! - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
700 Horsepower - Kingdom: 001 - Family Matters Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
700 Horsepower - Kingdom: 001 - Family Matters Part 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
700 Horsepower - Kingdom: 001 - Family Matters Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Re: \"Right To Censor\" Watch - http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archive...
"I'm just waiting for the next level of irony, where Google decides to publish – say monthly – a list of articles/sites which is been removed from specific search terms, what those specific search terms are, and the reason (not just the person, but the reason for their request). Which, of course, has to be searchable in order to be able to check and verify that they have been active in pursuing the dictate of the EU court. Soon we will have an answer to that age-old question: Does a book containing an index to all books which do not have an index contain an index to itself?" - Alexander Williams
Re: \"Right To Censor\" Watch - http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archive...
"I have to believe that those courts had to see this coming as well, no matter their findings. Every time it's come up, anyone with a brain has said, "But what about using that ruling as a weapon, and to remove stories about public things, and what about legitimate news?" To which the response has been, every time, "oh, that'll never happen." I have some doubts about the EU judiciary, Adam. I just can't decide between malevolence or stupidity." - Alexander Williams