The Truth About Starbucks New Coconut Milk: It Isn’t Really Coconut Milk -
Noooooooo! - Gabrielle
Oh, gross. - Jennifer Dittrich
She Hasn’t Changed Her Home For 72 Years. When You See What’s Inside, Your Jaw Will Drop! -
$500 A Pair Designer Star Wars Themed Eyeglasses | Geekologie -
I can totally understand justifying this. Especially since my last pair cost me $400 (not covered by Kaiser) and they're just a plain ol' brown! - Hookuh Tinypants
The moment I go on my break, it decided to pour. I also didn't bring a jacket. Ha.
Hey, it's almost time to celebrate Mo's Dad's birthday.... And my Dad's, too. I'm starting tonight after work.
Tree Change Dolls™ -
She takes Bratz dolls and makes them more natural. - Gabrielle
How I feel when I see my sister in Weight Watchers ads - FAT!SO? -
"They keep on having repeat customers because the product is faulty, but Weight Watchers convinces the consumers they are “weak-willed,” and that is why the diet failed. And this results in major profits." Yep. - Mrs. Alix May
40 Things to Give up for Lent -
Burlesque Icon Dirty Martini Responds to Lucky Pierre's Size Discrimination Incident - 21st Century Burlesque Magazine -
I just noticed pigmentation on my thumb. Naturally, I'm convinced it's skin cancer.
This Fool parked so close to the car, I'd need a crowbar and Mickey Mouse, from Fantasia, to get in on the driver's side.
Grr. I hate that :/ - Jennifer Dittrich
Luckily, I'm small so I can climb in through the passenger side. It still annoys me. But I'm working on letting little things go. Or else I'd slash a tire. - Gabrielle
Time for Hot Tub Time Machine 2.
Whatcha think? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
It was stupid funny. The 1st can't be duplicated but I did enjoy the 2nd one more than I thought. - Gabrielle
Natural Bridges.
Ooh Monarchs - Stephen Mack
New favourite.
Thinking about going vegan for a week.
Today I gifted my free coffee to barista, Carlos. Hope Whole Foods doesn't pitch a fit.
Show up to my counseling appointment and the counselor doesn't have my file in front of her.
Nor does she understands my educational goals. Yet, somehow she's in charge here. I had to slow it down for her. *sigh* - Gabrielle
Oh ugh. That's not conducive to any sort of academic support for sure. - Hookuh Tinypants
Gah. - Stephen Mack
Looks like it's sugar water. No juice.
This is a real sign at my work. Ha!
Oh, man. I knew they were in trouble, but dang. RIP Lip Smackers, indeed. - Jennifer Dittrich
I will miss bubble gum :( - Gabrielle
Had to buy one for Pogo.
Date night. :)
Girl in my class reminds me of a koosh ball. Remember those?
The cool thing about winning coffee for a year is the obvious. But I don't drink coffee. So it's become sharing coffee with friends, an interactive experience.
Stephen, we can begin with coffee and wander upstairs to the brewery. - Gabrielle
Nice, where did you win it from? - Stephen Mack
My new fave toner. Great ingredients for $10! Curious to try the eye cream next.
Their stuff is so great! That's the toner I use, and their face wash as well. (I also have their shea butter-based shampoos.) They're from here :D - Jennifer Dittrich
Oh cool. I'm impressed by the low prices and quality. - Gabrielle
From what I've seen, they're a pretty cool company. They've always tried to give back to the communities they're working with, well before the latest round of feel-good videos for Whole Foods. - Jennifer Dittrich
M210 Monkey Light Installation Guide -
I lost my Misfit Shine tho. But then, scored a great room for Coachella. Balance? - Gabrielle
Time warp.
True. - Michael W. May
These people probably paid $150 for a ticket. Not to dance but to sit on the stairs and text. Ha.
Happy Holidays to you and your family!!! Love, light and cheer to y'all!!
I'm off to work ...because some folks don't have traditions. - Gabrielle
Women's bathroom at Burger Pit. I never want to be that close to anyone, in the bathroom.