Raymond Marr aka Knatchwa

An Avid Cyclist, a dream journalist, and a creative writer. Exploring the possibilities and moving through life on two wheels and Focusing Forward.
The school week is over and yet, I feel tired enough to sleep for multiple days. I wonder if it has something to do with being unwell or just that it has been a busy and early week.
"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little - do what you can." ~Sydney Smith
Made it through the first week at Cabrillo - Lesson Learned: Persistence and not giving up sets a sound base to move forward.
Currently Offering Samsung u380 for Sale aka Brightside if interested can send you link to the cl post. http://twitter.com/knatchw...
Coming to the end of January - the Inauguration and the closing days of January and the first month of the new year.
"The Beautiful thing about Learning is that no one can take it away from you." ~ B.B. King
knatchwa: @AskHigherOne What I found also was that the customer service number had a longer delay then any of the many social mediums. Very Helpful. - http://twitter.com/knatchw...
knatchwa: @AskHigherOne Thanks that is all I needed to know - was worried that as soon as I transferred to premier the card was invalid. Thanks. - http://twitter.com/knatchw...
knatchwa: @HigherOne What is the transfer process of a standard account to premier and is the original card invalid? - http://twitter.com/knatchw...
knatchwa: Enjoying the #Olympicceremony though a little late still a worthwhile watch. - http://twitter.com/knatchw...
knatchwa: Was a beautiful day for a hike, along Fort Ord - BLM following the toro creek loop. http://t.co/ZPh7WaJf - http://twitter.com/knatchw...
Was a good semester at Cabrillo College and actually broke 3.4 gpa - now looking forward to Fall 2012.
Amazing how fast time goes with @Salinas_Airshow already coming full circle in a couple months you start realize time flies.
Posted via email from Knatchwa - Streaming Life - https://picasaweb.google.com/1075286...
The wonders of the 140 word flow - how many truly come and go?
knatchwa: @makeuseof is giving away a Wacom Intuos5 tablet for FREE! Join the giveaway now! http://t.co/v8dvWF4R - http://twitter.com/knatchw...