Kevin L

Why should I interest you? I'm a guitar-playing, world-traveling, equation-solving, genuinely nice guy.
When did Facebook implement j/k scrolling? It's smoother than Google+.
Five Star Day with the best date in the world!
I feel like Bucky Balls would be a good gift for a fields professor.
Amos keeps getting upset that he can't get to the squirrel on the deck.
Lucas Pergler, I have one for you: A widower struggles with knowing who to trust in his quest to find his wife's killer.
Goodbye Superbowl, hello Downton.
Am I a nerd or what? Yesterday I lost track of time while setting up two old laptops as home Linux servers. It was fun, too. Learned or r...
Re: Worship Leader Kids. -
"I submit that MKs (missionary kids) are held to a far higher standard of holiness than PKs, but thankfully only every couple of years." - Kevin L
I rather like still being in pajamas at 11am.
The laser temperature gauge April's Aunt Mo gave me for Christmas is Amos's favorite toy now.
It's been a chill day in the LeCureux household. April LeCureux hasn't felt well, and I've just been lazy.
Re: The Christian Password -
"My dad used "jesusislord" as a password at church, on the theory that anyone who types that in while breaking into a church computer would be struck down on the spot." - Kevin L
All those girls who count down the days to their wedding never count up the days after getting married.
Re: A DIY Hat To Prevent Your Visibility On Cameras And Video -
"Most new security cameras have an IR cut filter in place during the day, and they have wide dynamic range, so this may not be effective against newer, better security cameras. Best method for hiding your face is still a good old ball cap." - Kevin L
Bill pay spree! Definitely not as fun as a shopping spree, but it does have the same effect on the bank account.
Re: The marriage fight no pastor warns you about. -
"As a former missionary kid to Guam, allow me to use this platform to say that Guam is not third world and I saw three live snakes (which are practically harmless) in the wild in the nine years I lived there. I'm way more afraid of snakes in my backyard in Georgia than I ever was tromping through the boonies of Guam." - Kevin L
Install Exacq Server on Ubuntu Server 10.04 -
I'm looking to hire a part-time intern to work in our office in Norcross. Someone with good organizational skills and preferably in elect...
Amos apparently thinks anything small enough or flexible enough to swallow is fair game for food.
Three turnovers in as many plays. How often does that happen?
I have never seen a good play with an apple or cherry turnover. More's the pity. - Spidra Webster
Amos gets so ecstatic when kids come to the door, then he's heartbroken when he doesn't get to play with them.
In a show of support for the Georgia Bulldogs, Amos has torn open the head of his toy gator and ripped its tennis ball brain out.
That is perhaps as enthusiastic as this guy: <>. - Julian
"Much economic jargon, though, hides a five-cent thought in a five-dollar word." - Deirdre McCloskey
Is there a hidden ellipsis button on most keyboards that I'm not aware of? I'm not sure why else everyone would bother type three periods...
Or hold the period key down on iOS. - Technodad
My dad in Germany on his computer told me in Atlanta on my phone, via Facebook, when my mom and sister's flight from Amsterdam landed. Wh...
Living in the future rocks, yes? - WebGoddess
That’s how it’s done! via Facebook -
Testing tweaked version -
IFTTT / Put the internet to work for you. -
Isn't it about time your phone company paid you? DM your email address to get in The Lane
Hey FF! Wanted to share with you all about Solavei. If you haven't heard about it, take 40 minutes and watch this vision presentation. Basically, you get unlimited 4G data (and unlimited texts and calls) for $49 a month; and if you sign up other people, you get paid every month.