The only profitable tap water comes from the city of New York. Amazingly, the global market on this resource is untapped.
Keep the PawSox in Pawtucket.
Has this thing with the sharks (left and right) jumped the shark?
Never has one's brain needed ALL THE BLEACH as much as mine does right now.
Movies won awards. Meh.
movies? awards? I watched some photography videos last night. - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
So much for a clean finish at Daytona.
There is still a lot of snow out there. Allegedly, we will be getting some rain later.
After that snow and freezing rain... we are going to be decently above freezing for a day.
Way to make me feel old(-ish)...
I love the narration on this one.
It sounds like it is changing over to rain now.
Once this snow stops, it might be a good idea to clear off the car as the transition turns to ice.
yeah, I went out and used the snowblower before it transitioned over to rain. We got the cars partially cleared off. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Done clearing off (and shoveling around) the car. It was a smart move that will save me at least an hour tomorrow. - Julian
College baseball season is already underway. PING!
The Whopper. With or without cheese?
Live A-League soccer. Because football is something else there that is not currently in season.
Kurt Busch. He is just done, right?
Weekend. Yay.
Even more impressive:
14-0. 14 KO. BLINDFOLDED!!! - Julian
Merry new year!
Happy new year?
Winter is finally getting its revenge this week.
2012: Gangnam Style. 2013: Blurred Lines. 2014: Anaconda. 2015: ???
I am a bit scared for the future of America.
Who gets these huge teddy bears this time of year? Really?
So... Eldrick is taking an indefinite leave of absence from golf. Will this be just until Augusta, or is this for real this time?
PewDiePie. Can anyone explain?
Isn't he a video-game reviewer? That's all I've got. - Jennifer Dittrich
Unfair Mario is unfair.
Finishing up season one of the Serial podcast.
:-( I missed a lot today/yesterday.
There is no reality in which snakes are involved in computer authentication -- one- or two-factor.
... unless the application is powered by Python. - Julian