Jing ®

Suppose government pass the emergency legislation to block no deal Brexit. It leaves BJ no other leverage to negoti… https://t.co/xzh9XkI1jc
RT @NickGarnettBBC: Bookshop in Fowey, Cornwall. https://t.co/lxCgaZpsIz
Brilliant little gallery of Marianne North in Kew, holds 800+ pieces of art works. The lady resented marriage and r… https://t.co/lfttUAwNhV
Mark Carney calls for global monetary system to replace the dollar via @FT https://t.co/6KmC0aWG49
RT @Atul_Gawande: Potentially major global health news: Polypill contains aspirin, statin to lower cholesterol, and two BP meds. Reduced ri…
Interesting study, do need to take sample bias into account. Noticed they gave extremely low rating on admin, polic… https://t.co/QDdDAheGzi
且学生手段之卑劣令人胆寒,故意引诱老师说出反驳言辞再以此为证据上报,可以说连最基本的human decency都没有。教育部助纣为虐,这种决定就像南京彭宇案的判决一样,在摧毁社会基本的道德和良知。 https://t.co/fCFsK3l0kF
That’s what I thought as well to be fair. The way they organised it and the level of sophistication is bloody pathe… https://t.co/kK4AD1R34s
Ah, another candidate in shame shame parade. Twitter/SNS is literally a propoganda battlefield. That’s why they are… https://t.co/Roh6GcCBu3
RT @Dylen_s: 无道德感世代制造的后真相时代… https://t.co/ohxBDTAT7m
浑水摸鱼真是亘古不变的道理啊…… 浑水摸鱼 - better to fish in muddy water Another related idiom: 水至清则无鱼,人至察则无徒 - fish will not surv… https://t.co/aDT9tjGW4R
Oops this is awkward now. @aiww was caught for plagiarism. 艾未未抄袭被挂 😈 原帖链接: https://t.co/2HxDMGMkTP https://t.co/RObwk3Q1fp
Two Hong Kong policemen arrested over assault on elderly man held for drunken behaviour https://t.co/IDC0CSGV2A via @scmpnews
RT @Mobiholicast: 【友情推荐】【英国地区】 墨比科技英国嘉宾@wool_warrior 的个人app——“Fuel Prices UK”,方便您寻找、对比、并导航至当前周边价格最便宜的加油站。 支持汽油与柴油的价格查询,支持以邮编、地点或定位进行搜索。 目前只…
Oh, I am thrilled to know that Facebook is finally back to anti-propaganda campaign, after Cambridge Analytica scandal. 🙄
RT @luca: Don't analyze Twitter to explain our society. More people use ebay kleinanzeigen than Twitter in Germany.
RT @syjamr: Stan Urban - Some Rock n Roll in Dundee train station #Dundee https://t.co/jRMdaEQDWg
RT @gijnCh: #深度报道精选 :随着3个月内两位中国学员离世,美国航校里发生的那些于中国学员的区别对待、苛刻的惩罚、非正规和滞后的训练也随之被曝光。每年,国内航司都会输出大批学员到这个获得国家民航总局认证的 USAG。然而,中国学员们在这里经历的事,却是我们不曾想过的…
RT @ulywang: One more melon joke spreading among Wechat users: 黄台一百瓜,汝摘九十八。如今瓜将尽,汝劝莫摘瓜。
我倒觉得这本书超好看的,可能因为我以前中东比较无知,读下来感觉和中国没啥关系,但是以中东为中心把亚欧大陆历史政治发展前后都串起来了。有种“原来如此”的感觉。😅 https://t.co/1vSeeTkvx5
这本来就是大多数,什么时候给人错觉以为网络主要人群是高学历?推上呆久了,问今是何世乃不知有汉,靠鄙视墙内五毛小粉红寻找优越感可歇矣。 https://t.co/qPZWqNhQ6k https://t.co/kOqYQvy6xr
分布式示威 distributed protest
RT @LoneCapital: HKD看跌期權飆升 https://t.co/vC2GFGO3Yk
Love love love 💕 Kandisa - Indian Ocean (Full song) https://t.co/KFpeIxBUzb via @YouTube
Ah here we come. Deliberately causing social and market panic, aiming for capital outflow. They were previously cal… https://t.co/rkJQ1ZQzyx